Bruce Lardner (Kate Coll)
Well hello world! I’ve been waiting for my chance and I’m glad it’s today – it’s perfect. He says you are a lot like him you have his heart and his sense of humour – he chuckles. Thank you for everything you do for everyone – sometimes it’s too much, you need to remember that! I miss you all so much; I had a “good” life and thank you for your part within that. He says to remind you in your theatre of your life who is currently front and center – he bets it’s not you and if you can’t be the leading lady in your own life what hope have you got and he laughs. He wants you to never even think of how he passed, just always remember all the great times you did have, all the laughs and arguments or disagreements but anyway he says I love you long which means eternity, Merry Christmas your old Dad xxx (he says he wants to keep going with the kisses)
PS He loves all the new technology now so make sure you keep u to date 11.11 X