Cathy Williams (Mia Williams)
Well hello, hello! Blimey you guys have missed me haven’t ya. The house has never been so messy – she’s smiling a huge smile – she wants me to tell you she feels really, really calm and relaxed and just content. Now of course she misses you, I mean that’s obvious but she also wants you to know she’s free and likes the freedom and peace. Life is busy for you all but sometimes you are just busy being busy so how about stopping every once in a while and sitting and imagining she’s sitting there beside you and all the things you want to tell her – well just do that, she’s right beside you! She says it’s a shame she’s squinting in the picture as she always loved her eyes.
She asks me to ask you to correct her date of birth please and she laughs – the dates are all wrong but it can be fixed, no problem, in fact she wants to tell you that anything that appears to be going wrong right now, just take some time out, you don’t have to fix everything right away and maybe it’s going wrong for a reason – it’s really all about to get better.
Look after your health – ALL the time, oh and those lovely teeth please. Know I’m only a heartbeat away, I still groan at what’s on the telly lols, love you all and thank you for everything.
Love you all, Mum xxxxx