Chelsea Obyrne (Deanna Obyrne)
As I am connecting with your daughter she’s loving my painted nails, she loves all things beautiful, she was such a beautiful girl. She’s a tear jerker, she has just made me realise she’s the same age as my son. I can feel a real pull in my stomach, anxiety, pain, anger, sadness, the unknown. She had so much to live for, so much to give, so much taken away. She says ‘Mum’ I’m fine, ‘stop stressing.’ ‘ I don’t get frizzy hair, my make up is ALWAYS perfect, it’s not cold here. I still have chores to do, there are people looking after me, just like being at home, then her voice cracks………but you’re not here Mum, none of you are, I’m sorry I left, I love you all more than I will ever be able to tell you, I’m sorry, BUT YOU MUM you have to go on for ME. Live the life you wanted me to please, let me see everything I wanted to through your eyes. ( I feel like she misses a sister or friend who, she so wants to stop crying and moaning, then she laughs) Only the good go early Mum. I did all my Earth chores like a good girl and it was time to move on to my next adventure. Please don’t let this rip my family apart, you all mean too much to me, let this be the event that pulls you all together, oh and don’t make my room a shrine coz ‘ew’ that’s just too sad. When you are ready, maybe move and have a fresh start because I get to go wherever I want to now. I even get to come back if I like, maybe one day one of your grandchildren (not necessarily a girl either) will have my eyes you’ll see!
I love you all (even grumpy)XXX