Delphine (Del) Kaesler (Ali Woolford)

Well I bet you weren’t expecting this when you got up today.

Hello, well I did love Christmas so I suppose the picture says it all. You’re a good girl, you always were, even as a teenager, you told me everything, I really didn’t have to worry. At the end you were amazing , you knew exactly what to do so thank you.

It’s been a while, lots has changed. Covid (she laughs what a joke) Still it’s important to follow rules I suppose. Everyone is growing up so fast. Thanks for looking after your Dad, keep on top of the menopause won’t you and your sister, you’ll get through it don’t worry.

I’m grateful for the life I had and the way I left it was fine, I really didn’t suffer so don’t worry, it’s like having the best night’s sleep ever. Thanks for all the photos and for keeping me alive in your memories. I hope this makes your day.

All my love Mum X