Filomena Iacobucci (Anna Iacobucci)
She’s telling me off for eating lunch whilst I’m doing this. Meal times and food were important to her. She also doesn’t like the look of my tomatoes !!!
“Look, I miss my family, they miss me. I hope I’m still helping, I try every day to help”. She shows me her Mum and tells me that she has lots of family, lots, lots here and there. They all make her proud. She loves her family and would do anything to help.
Life was very hard but she enjoyed it all and yes maybe she would complain a little too much. She says to say she likes your hair but you probably still won’t believe her. Someone passed with or has had breast cancer but she’s glad it’s over now. Keep up the family Christmas traditions and please rest more – don’t be like me, I never sat down, that’s not always a good thing. It’s good to be with your thoughts sometimes.
She mentions coming to you in your dreams, she loves seeing you there. I’ll talk again, she says, come see me. Give all the grandkids a hug from me. All my love, Mum X