Jason Hynds (Amanda Teggart)

Good morning Sis, bet this has wakened you up. You never really were a morning bird.

What a lot of chaos around, stop fretting, it’s a storm in a teacup, it’ll all blow over. Just do what you need to. He’s showing me a memory of the 2 of you hiding because you think you’re in trouble again. You are really little, it’s like you are hiding behind a sheet that’s hanging up. It’s a lovely cute image. He says, please remember the good bits of your life, focus on what you can change and can do right now, not what you can’t.

He’s so proud to be part of the family and is very glad you all still talk to him and include him. He’s always felt included, thank you. He says to water the trees in the storms, don’t put off getting a tidy up in your gardens, may be especially Mum’s.

He loves you so much and what he wouldn’t give for you to hear him as I am, he says I deserve a million dollars (I’m blushing). Anyway he’s doing well and so are you, head up.

Lots of love