Lynne Freeman (Abby Cox)

Love you, love you, love you. Oh I miss you, I love you so much. You are so like me it’s crazy. Please, please love everything and everyone, even people who hurt you, love them and let them go. Pain and suffering just get in the way of joy. Drink more water, it’s good for your skin.

I talk to you everyday, I promise, always have done, always will do. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become and are becoming, you’re amazing. Just keep living. It’s not been that long for me, honestly. There are plenty of people here I know and animals – ha ha ha.

Watch the time you spend on all this technology, it truly is bad for your eyesight. If your jobs not right, change it, there’s plenty of time still, in fact, way too much to spend it unhappily. She makes me feel someone’s around her who has been or is on a cancer journey, she’s not ready for him yet, so don’t worry.

She mentions a sister and asks you to give them a big hug from her. Have the best family Christmas ever. I love the family celebrations. Use video (ha ha ha) if you can’t see everyone in person (like I know what I’m talking about, she says).

Merry Christmas, hope this was worth the wait.

All my love