Marama Robert Michael Clarke (Zara McCann)
Look he says I’m up high! I liked to be up high, hiding. I feel like he is telling me he could be quite shy till you got to know him and boy, when he smiled the whole room lit up but that wasn’t too often. He kept that for special occasions. He loved animals, he thinks he could’ve been a great Zoo Keeper and he laughs.
I feel like I have a weight on my chest – he says so does his family, there was nothing they could’ve done, I just wasn’t supposed to grow up was I, it’s OK but I can only be at peace if you are – so let me go, keep moving forward please, then I can too. Remember me yes, miss me yes, but stop living NEVER – just imagine I’m away at camp having the time of my life please. I’m not alone, there are plenty of friends old and new to keep me company ’til we are all reunited again and that’s the thing – I’ll see you again, when it’s your turn, so until then love you all and thanks – it was real! X (big kiss)