Penny Cecily Shelagh Louise Meehan (Sally Rumble)
Hello hello, I’m so excited to be seen, I try so hard to get your attention and you know, you always know and you’re always right. I love being by your side and being so close to everyone. I love hearing my name, thank you.
I’m not going anywhere and I’m in your dreams often, you just don’t always remember and that’s okay too.
I love your life. I love you all. I’m so proud of everyone even when you make dumb decisions and she laughs. She loves her ashes are still around, makes her feel part of the real world.
Give your Dad and brother a hug from me and please wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and please, for me, stop second-guessing everything. Trust your gut. It’s never wrong.
All my love and gratitude Mum XXX.