Robert (Bob) Stanley Royals
He is laughing and laughing – not in a big way just a really heartfelt chuckle.”I miss you all everyday – damn, death is a pest. One minute you’re all chatting, next minute you can’t see me. BUT I can see you – please know i can see you – I can still smell the air, it’s fresh and alive – i love the fresh air even more so now. It was important for me to get things right and it is for you too – well, do you know you are way too hard on yourself girl, so cut it out. Have more fun, laughter and rest. Burning the candle at both ends is not a good idea is it?”
He then moved on to show me an image of a granddaughter he watches playing – he tears up and says, “this way I get to see her as much as I want. Love you all, miss you all – have a very Happy Christmas, make sure you say Hi to Mum xxxxx” He jokes that i haven’t got enough room for all the kisses he wants to give you.