Colin Gibson (Sue Quin)
Hey how are you? I’m all good, safe, warm and happy – miss you all and the crazy things I did but still miss you. It’s not so bad this eternity thing and no I’m not too hot (he laughs really loudly he’s meaning he didn’t go to Hell after all) So he asks what’s up? He wants you to know life is supposed to have its challenges, you, maybe having your fair share but you’ll get through it. Give your Mum a hug for me he says. Give my kids my love too. I wasn’t a saint, lots of things I could’ve done better I know. I did my best and that’s all you can do.
He wants someone to stop smoking, he knows he’s not one to ask but please stop, you’ll be glad you/they did. Save the money and go on holiday.
I’m always there watching over you all, but you know that – he talks about his Mum like he died before her but she could be with him now, as is his Dad, so he’s not alone ever and neither are you guys. Please be good for your uncle (ha ha ha) and get that new job, its time. X