Veronica Patricia (Pat) O’Loughlin (Anne Rhodes)
Well I’m so glad you used this picture, no wrinkles to be seen, those were the days. I look like a movie star.
You know (she feels like she could tell wonderful stories and you’d never get bored) I had an interesting life, a long one but definitely interesting, by my standards anyway. I could’ve travelled more I suppose but anyway I’m happy. I never saw my end of life as suffering, I saw it as shutting down, it’s inevitable and happens to us all.
Thank you for doing your best, you know that’s what counts, always doing your best – I mean, why not!
I loved seeing my Mum again and so many others. I know you’re maybe not a huge believer but you know I’m around. It makes me smile when I know, you know, I’m there.
You are always in my heart no matter what. Please keep positive and enjoy your life, it’s worth enjoying I promise.
Enjoy your grandchildren (big smiles)
All my love
Mum X