Elizabeth Brand (Raelene Farrugia)
Judith (Judy) Annette Chappell
Desmond Bonte (Naomi Bonte)
Robert Cooley (Kathleen Cooley)
Ellen du Chatinier (Laura Langenbach)
John Downs (Karen Evans)
Chantelle Bacter (Kelly Ferguson)
Kay Coles (Helen Coles)
Raymond John Copley (Julie Rowe)
Phylis Corry (Sue Corry)
Trevor John Connell (Carlene Pearce)
Karen Collins (Linda Wood)
Ruth Minerva Baez-Montañez (Darianys)
Dianne Collard (Julie Mercer)
Michele Ceccarelli (Anna Ceccarelli)
Anne Irene Abrahams (Raelene Farrugia)
Hello, I feel like I’ve won at a raffle, she picked me. I’ve been trying so hard to get your attention and here we are.
She says to tell you she was cold, always cold, especially at the end, but not now! She was a bit confused and jokes as if her keys were an issue.
She’s asking that someone get a skin check, it’s important to catch things early. She asked to remind you that she loves bright colours and remember whenever you see lots of colour it’s her way of waving at you. She means lots of bright colours!
Merry Christmas everyone, Mum XX
Germane Regine Allan (Rachael Brazzalotto)
David (Cheyenne DeNinno)
Caron (Hazel) Bailey (Meryle Maxwell)
David John Bailey (Tiffany Short)
Peter Barker (Julie Barker)
Elizabeth Black (Jane Harris)
Frances Baxter (Mitchell Harris)
John Bailey (Mel Bailey)
Kaye Davidson (Hayley)
Valerie Caird (Robyn Pierson)
Dianne Carpenter (India Copland)
Oliver Antonello (Teresa)
Judith Ellen Brodie (Amy Ford)
Samitha Joseph Cooray (Otarah Ferris)
Anna Barich (Alice Hederics)
Here I am, still smiling with my apron on. I’m always smiling, even at the end I was smiling. She’d like me to tell you she looked great when she passed. They did a good job on me she said. I felt dressed to the nines ready to meet everyone again.
Please no more sadness. I’m happy, I miss everyone of course but you all want me to be happy and at peace and I am. Please remember I won’t and don’t miss a thing.
I still love family Christmas’s no matter how big or small, love you so much.
Thank you XXX.
Andrew Cornelsen (Heidi Cornelsen)
Charlie Dagher (Nada McEvoy)
Makaela Batty (Mayah Hellings)
Blair Allchurch (Olivia Allchurch)
Cheers love, look at this photo. I’m so full of life. I may have been a bit crazy and a bit out there but you loved me anyway. That’s the best picture you could’ve picked. It’s me to a tee. So thank you.
Now you’ve had lots of changes but it’s about time, long overdue. I want to thank you for everything you did for me. I’m totally grateful. Look after yourself, spoil you! Keep up the drinking good habits and he laughs and laughs.
It was hard to let go, but everybody does at some point. I’m happy and I’m so proud of how much you have achieved. I’m so grateful for all you did for me, just being you.
So you just keep living and smiling
Love always Dad
Ryan Burford (Mark Schwirse)
I could hear in my head 2022, find 2022, why couldn’t he just say just look for my glasses!
He had a great sense of humour but a dark side too. Life’s just flown by for everyone, yet he is in everyone’s thoughts a lot and that’s spooky but good he says. He says to say you’re an idiot and you’ll always be an idiot but he loves ya and thanks you for everything you did, are still doing and yeah, thanks.
He says to tell you life really does go on it’s just different. Please make sure you do not put anything off, don’t be scared, just do it, he tells me he could be a scardy cat sometimes but if he had his time over he would literally dance naked in the rain! Who cares? So please enjoy life. Stop working to live, just live, and you don’t need stuff, you can’t bring it with you so remind the youngsters amongst you of that. It’s the one journey you can’t pack for coz you don’t need anything and all you can carry is the love in your heart and soul. Wow that just got deep he said.
He mentions say Hi to Mum? And wishes everyone a very happy Merry Christmas xxx
Michele Anderson (Heidi Kasper)
Eleonora (Nora) Davis (Lisa McRobert)
Oh blimey, it’s been such a long, long time and here I am up front and centre. Thank you for doing this, I hope hearing a wee word from me at this time of year brings you a smile.
I’m a Grandmother, would you believe it, or at least I’m going to be. I haven’t missed a single thing. I have seen so much even though I was young. Yes, Yes I was too young, still wanted to live forever. Funny thing is you kinda do live on, not just in spirit but in everyone you leave behind. I’m glad everyone is happy, most of the time, and I’m glad I stopped aging. You are all doing so well. Just tell your brother to watch driving so fast, you’re meant to slow down for corners and she laughs.
I’ve never been alone here, always had someone to talk to and I know we will meet again and that will be lovely, but until then keep doing what you’re doing and remember, you’re meant to make mistakes, it’s called life. You are all so like me it’s so, so lovely to see.
I love hanging around the next generation and at Christmas you still carry on my traditions, thank you. I miss you every single day but I know you are doing me proud. Merry Christmas, I’m always sending you signs it’s never your imagination. All my love Mum xxx love you always!
Jennifer (Jenny) Budich (Tarsh Blacker)
Hello everyone, thank you for thinking of me and putting me on here, it’s great isn’t it. I’ve been trying for a while to get through, you see my signs and you know I’m there and that makes me smile.
So, well done, haven’t you all been busy, it’s great, life has to go on I know that and I am of course, still a huge part of it and if I don’t like it I’ll let you know don’t you worry. I am not in any pain and I’m sorry you had to see or hear about everything but the body has to shut down somehow. I, of course was too young and not ready to go but when it’s your time it’s your time right?
Please live live live, don’t exist, just live, life is very short and the more you embrace it and enjoy it the better. She’s showing me a wedding and won’t and hasn’t missed it.(I think there’s more than one) Look after your Mum, she’s a good person and your Dad, well she laughs, he’s doing the best he can. Give my love and hugs to everyone please even if there is someone who doesn’t like to talk about losing me, hug them too please. Oh I don’t want this to end it’s so lovely to be able to talk again and be heard. I love you all so much, Merry Christmas xxx
Chantelle Baxter (Kelly Ferguson)
Boo! I can visit the entire world just like Santa – she laughs. (Spelling feels like a challenge right now for me.) This is a cool picture you posted, thanks. I feel sick to my stomach as I worked out how young she was when she passed. Only the good go first, the rest of you have to pick up the slack-ha ha hah! What I wouldn’t give for five more minutes with you all, I’m sorry I left but look at how well you knew me.
She’s talking about a wedding? Or is it a wedding still to happen. Either way she’s not missed or missing a thing. She’s making me stop and smell my Jasmine in the air and wants you to stop and appreciate nature all around you. Your life is so crazy, stopping and allowing yourself to be present is the best gift you can give yourself right now.
Thank you for including me in everything. And talk to me, I’m always hearing you and listening. Sorry if I stuffed things up a bit, I love you, I hope you know that that was never our problem. Merry Christmas love you long C XXX.
Monica Abela (Jayde Hanna)
Douglas Corry (Sue Corry)
Thank you, he says right away and he tells me this will make Christmas much better for everyone (including himself).
What a year you’ve had but I was ready to go. It was time. This picture is great. It shows the twinkle in my eye. My cheeky nature. You know you really did know me, more than you realise. You may look a bit more like Mum but you’re so much like me in your heart.
I’m sorry I won’t be here this Christmas but I know I’ll be with you in spirit and you know that too.
I loved my life, hardships and all. I’d like to hope you will continue to think of me as much as I do of you all. Gone but not forgotten. I’m truly a very, very lucky man.
Thank you for everything.
Love to you all,
Dad X
Edward Stephen Coppard (Mariea Coppard)
Nola Costantino (Jessica Hartrick)
Margaret Brannigan (Anita Brannigan)
Wendy Berry (Natasha Ryan)
Hi everyone, she nearly missed me, I’ve been waiting and waiting (she sounds British?)
Wow, life really does go on, I’ve seen so much change, it’s amazing. You all think I’ve missed so much but in fact, I’ve seen so much more. I’m grateful for that.
Please keep focussing on what you do have. You have so much more than I did and I’m so thrilled for you all.
I’ll hold all the new babies and will continue to watch over you all, no matter how much time passes. I’m always around, dead heading flowers, picking up after your Dad and combing your hair.
I love you all and I’m sorry I had to go. I’ll see you all again in heaven. The song by Eric Clapton is playing in my head. “Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven…….”
You must be strong and carry on, we will see each other again, I promise.
All my love,
Mum X
Phillip Berry (Natasha Ryan)
Antonio Crisa (Melissa Lisswoods)
Well, surprise and Happy New Year. I hope this message brings you a bit of hope for 2022. Whilst I’m not there physically, I’m always around in your hearts and minds, I know that. Thank you for all you do for everyone, I’m grateful and you have always felt like a daughter to us all.
There are so many things I miss about my life but to be honest, I’m still recovering. I’m truly grateful for my send off, it was just what was needed and perfect for me. Please tell that son of mine to treasure you, his family and life because life doesn’t last forever and there are no second chances.
Make this year count, but it will only count if you stay in balance so that has to be your focus and put yourself first now. Keep the business booming but the home life happy. The home life has to be your priority. Well done on your award, I was so happy and proud of you. The children still see me it’s OK, I won’t upset them but I just love checking in on you all.
Happy New Year to you all XXX
Cheryl Carr (Danielle Carr)
Robert (Bob) Atkinson (Kym Brown)
“Well, well, well, this is new”.
He sounds out of breath. He was a busy man who never sat still. He’s even impatient that I’m taking so long to write. He has a few things he’d like to say.
- The grandchildren are amazing. They bring such joy to so many. Thank you all.
- Stop doubting yourself and second guessing. Your heart is always in the right place when it comes to the family.
- Diversify your business. Don’t have all the eggs in one basket. It doesn’t work.
- Early retirement. Enjoy your children. They will be gone before you know it.
He’s a very matter of fact man. Straight down to the point and don’t interrupt him. He could tell a few tall tales in his time but you all knew that and loved him anyway. He is very proud of all you have achieved but is very keen for you to rest, relax and recuperate. A holiday away from everything is exactly what’s required. He’s got a few animals with him to keep him busy.
Tomorrow never comes, live for today. He wishes he had done that more.
Merry Christmas. XX
Maureen Abraham (Katie Abraham)
Maureen Cunningham (Marie Ritter)
Mary Chammaa (Monique Burns)
Michelle Bawden (Sue)
“Hi, it’s me! Yes it is. Told you I’d be back. You don’t miss me” she laughs. “Life’s crazy busy. I don’t miss that. I save a fortune in hair dye. No botox for me and only the good die young. 42, I was 42, that was so young and what a way to go. I definitely left the building well. I’m with Nana and a few other oldies”, she laughs.
I can smell cigarette smoke connected to a man she’s with and she has tears in her eyes.
She promises they are all doing their best to look after you and keep you safe.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done over the years for me. I am truly grateful but please promise me you will start looking after you again. Please get a holiday booked and I’ll be there with you, try and stop me.
I hope this brightens up your day Sis”.
Talk again soon. Lots of love,
Kelleigh Burkett (Kathryn Hunter)
Joyce Beach (Cassie Mackay)
Robin (Bob) Edward Berry (Jill John)
George Dounas (Patricia Dounas)
Martin Dugan (Merridy Dugan)
Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a hello from me. You’ve kept me busy this year, I thought I was going to get a rest.
He’s not prepared to comment the kilt, he says I know too much. I love you like I loved no other but I couldn’t do it for me. I’m sorry if I let the boys down, I should’ve fought harder. But this message isn’t about regret, it’s about moving forward, now you can.
2022 can be your year, it’s started already. Let go of any fear, you know I’ve got your back, always have, always will.
He likes this photo because he feels he looks so well in it and his son looks so like him. He’s making me look out my window so that I can remind you there is a big world out there to explore, please enjoy every minute of it now that you can.
Merry Christmas, have a toast for me, I’ll be right beside you (missing it, he laughs).
Love to you all, M X
P.S. I’m always listening and I hear you, don’t ever stop talking to me.
Roy William James Bailey (Meryle Maxwell)
Well love, your tenacity and your determination are just like me, you are so like me. When I see you do all the things you do, it swells my heart. Thank you for putting me on here so that I can talk to you. You really need to worry a little less. Things are not as bleak as they sometimes appear.
You know I’m watching out for you and I love that you talk to me so much, thank you. Seriously, life is all about balance, it’s time for you to get your balance sorted in more ways than one. I’m here with lots of our family and actually, it’s quite comforting. I know you’re OK, I watch you all even when you lose your temper, he laughs. He suggests a younger man around you should slow down, driving this year!
So 2022, focus on all the little things you can do something about and let the big things take care of themselves. I love you, I’m so proud of you and thank you for holding me in your heart like you do. Always and forever, Dad XX
William Brown (Derek Brown)
Alice Brown (Derek Brown)
She starts off by saying, only 8 years, that’s not long at all, 8 years. She LOVES this picture as much as we all do, it reminds us all to be happy.
Well you’re certainly happy at the moment, thank the Lord. It’s about time, she laughs. You gave me a lot to worry about or so I thought but in fact you gave me a lot to be grateful for too. I’m so happy to be with my Mum and Dad, you know we actually were a close family, I missed my Dad a lot, we all did. Just like you miss your Dad, yes I know you do, well of course he’s here.
Take care of the blood pressure of yours.
I’m sorry I lost the words and thoughts, I really wasn’t myself but I am now. Look after your sister now won’t you, go visit her as soon as you can, you two should be together. Everything is working out exactly as it should so don’t worry. I made you a worrier, sorry about that.
I love you all so much, always did, just had a bit of depression for a while but then I was OK. Losing your sister hurt me but it was also good for us both and I am so proud of both of you, no favourites.
Merry Christmas to you all
Mum (& Dad) XX
Anthony Bruno (Anne Zaltron)
Merry Christmas Mum, you didn’t think I’d let that go by did you?!
He made me work out that he died just 4 days after his 18th! Maths wasn’t his strong point as he made me use a calculator. Mum I’m OK, stop worrying, it’s time to worry about you and Dad and everyone else. I’m OK. I’m sad coz I miss you all but I’m doing OK – you need to as well.
You told me to give everything a go and I did and some things worked out and others didn’t. So now I’m here (he sighs) I’m OK, I know a lot more why it had to happen now that it has and yeah ‘the firsts’ suck to everyone but honestly I see you more now and I get to travel with you and you don’t have to pay.
So ‘keep living’ is my Christmas message to you. Mum please, please, please keep living. Mum it’s really important to me. Thank you for all you did and all you are doing. Mum “I love you” sorry I couldn’t hang around longer. Make sure Dad knows too (and his sister etc etc etc he says)
Oh also he says the memorial idea is great but make sure the music is loud and my favourite X
William Kenneth (Ken) Carrington (Amiee Mortimer)
Karen Canty (Melissa Griffiths)
Annie Mabel Carrington (Nee Kearns) (Aimee Mortimer)
Look at that picture. A fresh hairdo. There is so much of me that’s in your Mum and you. I live on always. My chest hurts like she had a lung condition when she passed.
She’s with her Dad and Grandad and her smile lights up my room. You’re such a special girl, always have been. Trust your intuition. When you think it’s her you’re 100% right, it is her.
The generations keep on coming. Life isn’t going as fast as you think. Stop for 5 minutes every hour and you’ll see what I mean.
Have a wonderful Christmas. I cherish every part of how you all remember me.
Sandra Binns (Cassandra Sheridan)
Katharine Anderson (Heather Roberts)
Peggy Appiah (Theresa Appiah)
Donna Maria Ciemcioch (Debbie Brooks)
Andrew Bennett (Vanessa Bennett)
Can you see me? I’m still here waiting. I’ve spent all my life waiting for you and I still am and I still will. But, you need to get on with things. I know you and you are and that’s great.
This is such a cool photo and such a great memory. I know I wasn’t perfect and there was so much more I could have done but you know what, we tried, we really truly did and I’m so glad we tried together.
This brings a boy into my mind, his son? I know he has more but this son is so like him. He has tears in his eyes. He’s so sorry he left you to it. Thanks for being gorgeous you, he says. He wants you to know he is completely out of any pain. He feels as alive as he looks in this picture. Look for the orbs everywhere you go and you’ll know I’m still enjoying all the things we were going to do. I think he has a daughter too and she’ll feel left out if he doesn’t say Hi.
Love you all more than you can ever imagine. Give Mum a hug for me.
All my love.
A x
Sarah Elaine Bird (Mel Bird)
Hi Mum, is this the best pic you can find lols? I know, I know I was fussy. It’s OK, I like it do you? This is cool ! You get to know what dead people are thinking. Well, what am I thinking? I’m sorry I let you down Mum, I did the best I could with what I had, but I could’ve done better I know that now. I was happy in my own way and you know that, but you need to know, I loved you so much. You were the best Mum in the whole world, I should’ve told you.
I feel like she has a sister or a friend who was like a sister and she wants me to get you to say Hi there too. She’s not missed a thing, she is always trying to show you signs, they are never your imagination, she wants you all to know that. Apparently she wasn’t good at spelling as everytime I make a mistake she tells me I am spelling like she did. Thanks for everything you did and do to honour me, I’ll be forever grateful but remember I do see you in your dreams always. There’s even a dog sees her. If you can imagine me Mum I’m there, still part of the family and I’ll wait till you get here before I go back and try again.
I’m not alone – she feels like she is with a Grandmother of yours too. She is learning and growing as that’s what happens in heaven, we grow even more than we do on earth- yeah go figure, the learning never stops Ha Ha Ha. I am really, really sorry I had to leave you all. I am happy but I miss you all so much. Whenever you feel a twinge in your body imagine I’ve just poked you. Look for my name in lights, you’ll know I’m shining on you all.
Love you all to the moon and back and I’m gone but not forgotten and thank you, you know what for xxxxx
Diarne Blees (Brooke)
Zakk Boam (Tracey Boam)
God, how does this work, he says?! Oh, you read my mind, like when Mum came to see me, OK. Well firstly, I’m not in a box, I’m free – really, really free. I just can’t explain it, it’s so different to what you expect, but yeah, I’m free. Sorry about the quick departure but least I don’t have to worry about losing my hair (he laughs).
Tattoo’s, you guys are nuts but “thanks”. Thanks for absolutely everything you did and are still doing. I never appreciated you nearly enough so really, thank you.
Dad, you have to look after the girls now. I know I was supposed to but, tag, it’s you again. Make sure you just have fun, try the things I liked, go to all the places you know I would’ve gone. Please go to Uluru for me, it’s got amazing energy and you’ll feel close to me. Maybe leave a momento of me there too, it’s the heart of Australia so leave some of my heart there too.
Thanks again, from my heart to yours
(sorry) Zak XXX
Doreen Douglas (Lisa Douglas)
Chris (Christine) Barkell (Brodie Barkell)
Oh you’ve picked me, are you sure? What about this lovely man next to me. She was never one to put herself in the limelight, always put others first.
Sorry – I’m not sure exactly what she is sorry for but she wanted me to write it. Thank you for being there with me and for all you’ve done, you always were such a special girl ( she laughs as you’re a bit older now but you know what she means). I was tired and ready to go. I’m with a lot of people I know again and it’s grand. She’s showing me green fields and making me feel she’s happy she’s home again.
Keep moving forward and don’t look back. Treasure your memories, no one can take them away from you. It was peaceful and is always peaceful and I’m at peace.
Happy Christmas, Have a chocolate for me.
Love from your Nana X
Andrew Dewar (Gail Henderson)
Frank Bell (Lyn Bell)
Alison Dewar (Gail Henderson)
You had to post this photo, really !!
I know I’m laughing, always laughing again, it’s good to laugh again. She has just made me look at the date she passed and if it isn’t 3/12/2012. She’s laughing at my excitement as the day this is for is 3/12/2021. She says you are always looking for a sign and here is a big one that she is with you all the time.
She says she was hard on you growing up but it’s all she knew, she always loved you, even when you drove here mad. She mentions your teeth? Maybe you need to get them sorted or if you have then she knows. The children keep coming, kids, Grand kids, Great Grand kids – she sees them all so don’t worry. Every Christmas since left is bitter sweet but she’s glad you remember her and celebrate at the same time. There’s lots of moving going on around you, just keep smiling, it’ll all be fine
Love to everyone Mum X
P.S. – No, of course I’m not on my own, where else would your Gran be?
Reba Cox (Fiona Bennett)
Ben Wildman (Charlene Baker)
Haydn Curyer (Chloe Sedgman Curyer)
Hey princess, how you doing? He’s laughing, he says, she won’t believe you. Look at the photo, look at your smile, I love you so much and all I wanna do is hold you all close, just once more. One more time ( he’s very emotional). You were a good kid, a handful but a good kid. Make sure you do good at work, the most important part is to love what you do and do what you love.
I’m sorry I left so quickly and early but well, the world didn’t need another grumpy old fart! I think you have his watch but whoever has his watch, try it on just to feel close to him, he loves it. He’s kept busy and is always trying to show you all the signs. He asks you to slow down when driving, leave more time to get to where you are going. And remember, life is the journey, not the destination.
He’s showing me a house and saying, well done, he loves it. He’d keep me chatting all day, he’s awesome but I’d never want to upset him or poke the sleeping bear. He’s laughing. Thank you for remembering all the good times, all of you. I love you (never said it enough)
Dad XX
Beatrice Cooper (Sheila Hill)
Well who would’ve thought this would happen. Oor Nell, well she’s as proud as punch. This is a rare photograph, we were so happy. I was a tyrant, yes I was, I liked things done right. I think I could’ve been softer, especially when you needed me, I’m sorry. But you did look after me, oh you did a great job and I know you’re heart broke when you couldn’t do it any more but you knew it’s what I would’ve wanted.
Oh when I saw Arthur again, both of them, it was like all the loneliness disappeared. We love you lass but you have to keep your chin up. There’s still things to look forward to. You know we are there and that’s fine, it’s pretty busy here and lots of chatting. Right now though you need to keep chatting there.
It’s been a tough year we know that but it’s almost over now. You are like both of us, your Dad loved/loves you something rotten and we were proud of you and how hard you tried. We can all do things differently when we look back. Thanks for the photos, we hear you talking to us all the time and when the time’s right you’ll be able to join us but until then you keep making the most of what you do have.
Dennis is fine, he never leaves your side. He’s a good man. Arthur misses you all, Jack is fine and Chic is happy to be with Helen. Oor Alice is looking after oor Sheila. My Mum watches over you, you are very like her, more than you know, as is your Alice. She’s a special bairn, remember that. Look after your tummy, eat well!
Love always
Mum and Dad XX
Arthur Cooper (Sheila Hill)
Well pet, what’s been keeping you, your tossing and turning lass. I know why we all do and it’s an awful thing lass, it truly is. I promise we’ll take good care of him, but you my love, you have to keep living, you’ve got the Walker genes, you’ll be around a lang time, just like you’re Mum.
Now Granny and me love Vivienne and Talia when they dance and giggle, they are so like you used to be many moons ago, so remember laugh and dance with them. I know you’re heart is heavy and that’s OK. You’ll be fine, just keep busy. You’ll know I’m around when the flowers are out. Oh I love your flowers there and no greenhouses needed. Look after you, everyone will be OK, you have got each other and more.
So if you can imagine what I can see now and how proud I am, you’ll know what he has to look forward to. Mum’s waiting for him, he doesn’t need to worry any more. You’ll get peace and quiet and he laughs gently. I feel his love, his warmth, his caring energy. His love for you is very deep and the tears in his eyes are loving. Your always Pop X
Sonja Dean (Danae Tullberg)
Cecilia Drallini (Rosanna Drallini)
Well this is new to me! What a nice picture, shame I’m wrinkly, you don’t realise how much until you look back at photographs. She is a very proud lady, gentle yet no messing with her. She felt very dignified when she passed and was very grateful for everything that was done for her.
Now back to photographs….Please take your time to look through them all and decide what you would like to keep. There will be plenty people to tell you who’s who but just make sure to do it, together, it’s important to me.
She’s laughing about how it was such a waste of a beautiful dress when she was laid to rest. She appears to be missing a dog, she’s excited by mine. She would very much like there to be celebrations when her year anniversary comes around please, minimal tears, maximum joy.
She misses her home, she loved her house, such a shame we can’t take anything with us, not even the body and she laughs, just as well really. Death is painless, relaxing and hugely rewarding yet we still, still grieve just like you do. Thank you for always being there and for doing this. Much love X
Moureen Deakes (Caitlin Deakes)
Reg Deakes (Caitlin Deakes)
Oh well I did look my age then didn’t I? Well you know I had a good life, a good innings. I mostly did what I was told and behaved myself. I wasn’t good with words but how I wish I was, he laughs.
‘I like this secretary, she’s very good’. Thank you for everything, you did so much, so much, for us both, thank you. You were always a good girl, well ‘mostly’, he winks. I hope you’re spending your money and time wisely. Life is short, so short, no matter how old you get you pass (snuff it) then it’s done. There’s plenty going on for you still and we’re glad, it’s good to be busy. Just look after your health as well as you looked after ours and you’ll be good.
Celebrate my anniversary please, don’t be sad, I’m much better off now so buy some flowers for you and make sure you enjoy this Christmas. It’ll be hot so stay cool.
I love you and I miss you all.
All my love Dad X
Becki Curyer (Meika Curyer)
Well, well, well, I’m finally early and first, who knew? I feel like I’ve been waiting ages here, it’s a great place to hang out, she laughs.
I was too young, you’re right, way too young and it’s not fair really but I actually can’t complain, it’s cheap to live here – more laughter. When she passed, it went all dark but she could hear everything that was being said and explained to you all. It was very weird, it was like I was literally stuck in time, then it got really, really hot and really, really bright and the noises were much softer and really caring.
She’s showing me her Grandma, this was a huge deal, to see her again! I really am grateful for all you did for me, thank you so, so much. I know it wasn’t easy. I know you’re still struggling but I promise you’ll get through it. I get to bug you even more now really. Anyway, no virus jokes, I promise.
Have a great Christmas and I hear you all the time, keep talking to me, love you X
Patricia Chuter
She’s been wanting to contact you for a few days and I’ve only just sat down now. She made me look at her date of passing and it’s 3 years to the day! Is that not enough proof she walks with you every day.
Oh my love, you have been in a pickle! But it’s getting better now, you’re coming out the other side, I promise. I love your hair, it suits you much better now. I love sitting looking into the back garden and I feel so close to you when you’re out there, dead heading and getting stuck in. You know your garden is your happy place, so keep going out there when you feel flat.
There will be lots of grandchildren to love , you’re so very lucky my love. Isn’t Alex a big boy now , wow, so handsome, he’ll be OK you’ll see, don’t worry. Oh and isn’t your Dad funny, I’m so glad he’s getting on with his life, he’s young enough isn’t he? Lols. I could talk about everyone for hours but really, I just want to give you a hug Karen, you worry too much, you really do. Keep laughing lovely, it’s the only thing that really helps. Whomever it is that has really heavy periods, do tell them to get it checked out.
She says there’s a picture of you and her that she loves and you should put that up here on the Wall. Right O, she’s off to see Nan?
Love you so much Mum XX
Janice Annette Chapman (Christie Chapman)
Nisean Davis (Sandy Cunningham)
Lillian Cooper (Katrina Cooper)
Alphonse Abbruzzese (Anthony Sterpin)
Well, Well, Well, would you look at this; never in my day. I have to say, I’m impressed.
You’ve been busy haven’t you? Lighting up your corner of the globe. I’m so proud, I just had to tell you. You’re essentially a good man then, he laughs. I like his big heart, he’s great big, huge heart. It was sad for everyone when he passed, it left a gap in everyone’s heart and still does.
Now 2020 – get clear and get sorted, month by month, it’s all moving fast after mid-January but delegate (he uses an Italian word for quick). He thinks it’s funny that you don’t realise how alike you are. He’s very impressed with everything, work wise, you are doing, it’s a great life achievement – his genes, he laughs. Your personal life is finally getting back into balance and he’s so thankful for that – well done.
All the generations that follow him are all so different and yet so similar at the same time. We all keep making the same mistakes yet each time we can learn a little more.
Keep up the good work this time and you’ve done a great job with Mum – let me take it from here, there are lots of people waiting for her – you know that and so does she and it’s better late than never.
After all there is only Amore o affetto
P.S. This man has the biggest, warmest heart and so do you, you’re just careful with it!
Patricia Collins (Alice Little)
Jake Bracero (Michelle Hill)
Khari Davis (Emari Estell)
Seth Boag (Sandy)
Christine Deacon (Pauline)
I think this is great, hilarious. You know when you go to a cemetery you wonder don’t you? What all these people were like! Well now you know. She keeps drawing my attention to her necklace, she still loves it! Yes we all know I was too young, yes it sucks. But well, here I am, finally out the other side.
I’m very grateful you were my sister, truly I am. I’m grateful for everything you did and still do. Sorry so much of it was left to you. Doesn’t time fly? Look at the state of the world at the moment, oh my goodness I feel sorry for you. My life was short but a good one, I wasn’t a very compliant teenager, remember? I am so much more aware of things than I was before. You’re such a kind, good person, everyone said I was but wow, so are you.
It was a struggle to let go, I know it was but whenever you think of me, I’m there holding your hand, patting your back, pushing you all forward. At least you know we will meet again. I’d love to talk more, make an appointment and we’ll get a whole hour together.
Merry, Merry Christmas
“Stay cool” XXX
Pauline Corry (Suzanne Corry)
Oh Alice, what a sweetheart you are to do this for us all and our families, thank you. Your Mum is “lovely”, she’s so kind, helpful, considerate, compassionate, she’s a real gem.
She’s watched you from afar and knows it’s not the same but at least she can still watch. There is so much to watch, always something going on. She asks that you please, don’t ignore the birds, listen to them, feed them. She can’t anymore so she’s asking you to, now your older.
You have her smile she says, it’s lovely, it makes her eyes feel with tears. Her family have expanded and gone on and it’s exactly what she wanted so she’s happy about it. You need some rest and a holiday before you change your job, so make sure you make the most of this break.
Merry Christmas, you are still my beautiful baby.
Lots of love, Your Mum X
Lindsay Cooper (Stephanie Evers)
Jem Clare (Breda Robinson)
Cody Cowie (Tara Higgan)
Alan Dorrington (Bethany Dorrington)
My iPad opened with this face smiling at me, huge picture. It made me laugh and he wants you to laugh too. You are always smiling like him or rather when you do smile you are so like him. He loves it. He can’t believe he’s old enough to be a Grandad now.
He loves your Mum, always has, no matter what. He’s calmed down a bit (yeah right). A few people have joined him but he still loves hanging around you. Every time you wonder, he says you’re right. He hasn’t missed a thing. Every decision you’ve made has been well thought out, even the “choice” decisions.
Someone is building a house. He loves the idea and concept. It’s perfect.
He has a dog with him and it still makes him sneeze.
Love you always,
Dad XX
PS Never ever stop laughing and having fun!
Mary Denton (Sandy Bell)
Stuart Allen (Corinne Allen)
Mary Brandt (Zeerena)
Mathew Blake (Jodie and Dianne)
I was to keep looking until I found the recent date – his first year is over! Over, over, over, now you can start moving forward please. Look I love you all, I miss you all but I would never have put life on hold. I always kept moving so do it for me please, keep moving. I’m OK, I promise I’m OK, really I am.
I’m being nagged here like I was there but I’m OK. Apparently I’ve got some thinking to do and ‘soul searching’ – Mum would love that one. Life was lived the best I could, cut it short, yip but at least I lived as best I could. Have a better Christmas this year please and I’ll be there watching.
Love you all, thanks for everything you do always X
Shirley Chaffer (Rebecca Taranto)
Lynnette Dale (Jacq McNeill)
Ooh, I’m in the spotlight, thank you. What a smile I had, gosh I look old and there was me thinking I looked young, she laughs her lovely, soft, genuine laugh. Isn’t modern technology fun? You know the eyes really are the windows of the soul. Look at the windows in my glasses in this picture. She is so funny, never likes talking about herself, always dodging the spotlight.
My family were very good to me, I didn’t want for anything, I was so grateful (and here you are helping them for me). Tell them “Mum’s OK”. I survived death and it’s not so bad, you even see people you never wanted to see ever again. I’m always watching and listening and I wouldn’t like to have to face this virus with you all, just keep your hands clean..it’s like the war all over again, just “modern”.
Thank you for doing my hair at the end, I’m very grateful to you. I don’t really know what to say, I miss you all so, so much. There’s plenty going on here so don’t worry about me. Watch what you eat love, it’s upsetting your tummy. Look after each other and hug everyone for me. I’m with you all the time, I bet you even can smell my perfume.
Merry Christmas (Have some pud for me)
Love Mum X
Joseph Abela (Tonia Abela
Jason Armfield (Sara Duff)
Christopher Berry (Janice Grant)
Brian John Campbell (Donna Campbell)
No way was he going to let this Christmas go without saying Hi. The energy around you right now is busy, crazy, heavy and you need a little pick me up from your Dad. So here it is. Merry Christmas beautiful, you get better looking with age, a bit like me and he laughs.
Speaking of laughing. That is what is missing right now, laughter and fun. It’s good to be busy but it’s better to be busy and have fun at the same time. So advice from your old Ddad (not really so old). Do something every day that makes you laugh, otherwise life is just too boring. Look after your mental health, maybe even change your job and lifestyle this year.
I’m always listening and thanks for being you.
All my love Dad XXX.
Harry Cowling (Tonia Cowling Abela)
Jan Abela (Tonia Cowling Abela)
What a lovely set up, very nice.
Well where do I start? You’re a good hearted woman. I’m/we’re very grateful for everything you did and are still doing. Please take care of yourself too though; you are not invincible even though you think you are.
She says she was very fragile at the end but you helped her through it all and thank you.
She’s talking about a daughter but I feel that’s how she felt about you. She’s sorry she has to be here with so many people you loved. My throat feels dry; there was always so much to say and never enough time. She remembers your kind eyes at the end, filled with love and support, no matter what. Thank you, she is always walking with you through everything!!
Merry Christmas from us all
Sandy Cowling (Tonia Abela)
Gosh, look at how shiny I am, stop zooming in, she laughs at me. Right, what do I do now? She’s realising I’m telepathically listening.
“Well, how well looked after was I? I was blown away by the kindness and caring and love and support every day. How do you say, thank you for all that? You are all very special to me and I’ll always be right by your side, every occasion I’ll be there, so please don’t think I’m missing out because I’m not.
I can sit with my feet up all day if I like, lots of laughs, as if I would, you know me too well don’t you. Love X
Cynthia Joyce DiFabrizio (Anne Little)
Well, I look so young in this picture. Thank you for being so patient but I felt a bit of a fraud because I talk to you every day and you know it.
It’s Christmas again, you still keep the traditions going, it’s lovely, you do a great job. She loves the renovations you’ve done, it’s much better. Life is changing fast for you all so remember to stop and smell the roses from time to time. You don’t need to ‘do do do’ all the time. She says, have a glass of Sherry and wine for her this year.
She loves being with her Mum and Dad again but having a chat to you would be the best. Stop worrying about your health, look at whatever does work please. I love my family and how it has grown, you will always be my family and thank you for keeping me part of it.
Merry Christmas
Love to all X
Dorothy (Dot) Drew (Chez)
Well at least you know I’m around you now. I will always connect with 11.11 It is symbolic of us walking side by side. I’m sorry I really could’ve done better or more with my life. It was a good life but just a bit short. I still know you because you are just like me in so many ways, it’s startling.
Please look after yourself and your sister, you can do so much more than me, I’m so grateful for that. Life will always have highs and lows because that’s balance. Just ride the roller coaster, scream, laugh, enjoy the ride and remember no matter what, you are loved, safe and will not be derailed.
Benny (Kylie Eames)
You found me! He is always smiling, he was such a good laugh, he had a kind laugh, he didn’t take any (sh1t) nonsense. It’s very, very early days, you all need time to get over the shock, everyone does, even him. He is happy with the mates he had. Life is a process he said, remember that and you are too impatient. You have to let the dust settle, but anything you guys choose to do is up to you – if you’re happy he’s happy. All he knows now is how much he was loved and how much more you would all do for me if I needed it and he’s cool with that. He says “I love you babe” stop doubting me we got on fine, we’re both a bit stubborn but we always got there in the end. (the full reading is available on my facebook group Ask Us in the live video of Monday 15th Oct 2018)
Tim Budich (Trudy Hume-Phillips)
“Thank you Alice”, are his opening words. Tim was a lovely human being who was there for everyone.
“I can’t believe how much I’m still remembered so I thought it was appropriate to give back too”.
“First off, tell Dad he’s ok, I’m not quite ready for him yet so stop worrying. Leave that up to Mum”, he laughs. “Secondly, I’m still the best at tennis so don’t forget that. Thirdly, congratulations to my beautiful twin nieces. Wow, not only do I feel old but so proud of you. I’m proud of you Sis. Nothing stops you. You just give and give and give, then give some more. Please look after yourself. Enjoy the summertime. It’s here now, I promise. Watch that knee of yours. I’m always there, everytime you think of me. I am growing older just like you are. I think you so need that new car. Life’s too short. It’s time. You’ll love it just as much. I cried just as much as you when my trophy came home.
All my nieces are special people. All my family, I love you and miss you all.
‘Til we see each other again”.
Love Tim
Well maths was never was my strong subject, he’s referring to how long it took me to work out his age! I instantly felt like I could connect a car crash to him, like life around him was there one minute and gone the next and actually that sucked. The head lights are so bright and it felt dark and perhaps even raining? He left behind so many good friends and a girlfriend even, but he definitely felt he left his life behind. He’s OK, he’s content with it all but wow what a journey and a shock for everyone, but it was such a long time ago now, sorry about that. Thanks for taking care of Mum, he’s crying when he thinks of Mum but knows he’ll see her again – in fact he will see all of you again but well, life has to go on. She talks to him often – he says, can you tell her I often sit with my arm around her, comforting her. So to all of you, thanks for always thinking of me and including me. I love you all heaps and to get to say Happy Christmas this year is awesome – so Happy Christmas, have the best time, I love you and I’m still proud to be part of an awesome mad family.
Love Tim XX PS Please celebrate my 50th birthday
Christine Barrett (Ranae Barrett)
Yes you were right, this is the best pic ever – she did (Alice) notice my smile.
Thank you for putting me on here – I feel honoured. She feels like she passed with cancer, I feel unwell but it was quite quick thankfully. She’s glad she didn’t have to worry too much about too many wrinkles.
She tells me you are tired at the moment and a bit sad. Well, everyday is a new adventure and even the tough days can be fun and full of learning, you just need the right attitude. So start every day with a smile, that’s all you have to do, then every step – make it a positive one. Any negativity around you sticks to you like glue so please change the circumstance, change the job, surroundings, something, anything, but make changes – inside. How you see things happening around you is what is going on inside of you. So time to spring clean inside and out – do it for you – you are beautiful and so worth it.
I’ll love you always,
Mum xx
Peter Clementson (Hayley Francis)
Oh he coughs, I don’t think I truly realised how lucky I was until I passed – well, well, well what a lucky man I was and what a lucky good, loving life I had – not a moment goes by when I don’t give thanks for that. Now you need to start doing the same because all the worry in the world will not change anything or make things happen the way you want them to. He says to imagine every year of your life is like an advent calendar, each year, month, day, moment brings a different picture. Keep those pictures bright, colourful and always positive and you’ll not be disappointed again. He knows it was hard to lose him but he was tired, it was just (he sighs) my time.
Now it’s your time to live and live fully, if something isn’t working then change it.
He’s encouraging you to learn spiritual things – if you lead a spiritual life you will feel more connected to him and he can connect to you or at least you will know he is connected to you and it’s not your imagination.
He loves watching all his family decorate the Christmas trees and he says thank you for his wonderful send off, it was perfect. He blows a kiss to you all and wishes you all Merry Christmas XX
Harry Donaghy (Melanie Martin)
Harry feels like he has a big personality, one that everyone loved and admired. He laughs when I write the word ‘admired’; I think he was a humble man, a caring and kind, big hearted softie – now he’s laughing.
He never really worried about anything. He was an old head on young shoulders. He is trying to correct my writing and do my letters like he used to. Handwriting is a thing of the past apparently. (Note: My writing style has completely changed).
He’s asking you to stay happy and please don’t worry, there really isn’t anything to worry about. Life’s short enough without worrying even more.
He thanks you for your friendship, love and support over the years and have a very Merry Christmas doing exactly what YOU want to do!
Love H X
Jo Bourne (Sally De Las Heras)
Kathryn Dennis (Brigid Clark)
Daphne Gwendoline Diggs (Craig Liv Allchurch)
WOR Day 24 – Daphne Diggs –
“Oh I’m going to savour this moment. I’ve been smiling for so long and here we are, Dec 24th 2019. Merry Christmas, I hope this is a gift you didn’t see coming.
Well, Well, Well, how are we? You seem to be doing OK.
I feel sick like she passed with cancer or something yukky in my stomach. She is really keen to show you Dad (her Dad too). I love that she is so happy and content. She’s asking you to either move house or make the alterations that need to be done, get a plan together and start it and make sure it gets finished. She says you are so busy looking after everyone else you often forget about you. Well it’s time, 2020, to put you first – please.
There has been so much change since she passed but she wants to take a moment to say a huge ‘Thank You’ for all you did for her, all her life, she couldn’t have wished for more, so Thank You.
Now go, have a lovely Christmas and splurge out at the jewellers this year, she’s laughing.
Love you so much
William “Bill” Allen (Sarah Lewis)
Hello, hello beautiful, how are you? It’s so wonderful to have a voice, oh my goodness, so much to say, so little time. He’s coughing and struggling to breathe – I think this happened late on in this life. He says he did pass peacefully and he really wants you to know that. So what can your old man do for you this Christmas, oh yeah say ‘HI’- I’m so happy you are now doing more of what you wanted to do, really happy and it’s great to see so much of family still together.
I didn’t suffer fools gladly and you are so like me it’s great, no-one can pull the wool over your eyes can they now? So go, be amazing as always, keep doing what you love and those girls of yours are just beautiful. They are a real credit to you. Get fit again, you know you like it really, all of you.
He wants to say a hello to all of his children, his eyes are full of tears, he’s missed so much in reality but in spirit he’s seen it all and he couldn’t be more proud.
Thank you all – miss you all but glad you are all still moving forward.
All my love
Dad X
John Douglas (Kimberley Carline)
Oh you’re doing just fine he says loudly. I miss you too but seriously you’re doing great, you know that. I never told you what to do anyway I just read your mind and said it back to you, he laughs.
I was a pain, he laughs again.
Seriously I couldn’t be prouder and yes Id’ve been a brilliant grandad but I still can be, they know I’m around, you all do – well you should, I try hard enough to let you know. Not sure that dress will still fit you tho’ (on the picture). He’s just so funny, it’s hard to get him to be serious.
Ok so words of comfort Alice asks me, ooh words of comfort……
OK, OK I love the house, I like your hair, yes even the grey. You’re doing/being an awesome Mum, just remember to breathe more and watch your expectations of others – remember they are just that and you are always let down by your own expectations of others. Have a rest this Christmas and I look forward to my roast – I miss you more than you can imagine but I also love being around you as much as I am. Love to everyone, Dad.
P.S. No pain and no I’m not alone! Book yourself an appointment or a gift voucher for Christmas xx
Isabella Dixon (Kristy Dixon)
Oh Mum, Mum she’s picked me, she’s picked me. I was annoying and you keep telling everyone I was such a loving, good girl but we both know I annoyed my brother (or a very strong sister). Mum it’s so good here, this is funny she says “it’s like writing you a postcard”. I can have ice cream all day if I want, I don’t but I could she giggles.
I’m sorry I left you behind so quickly but at least I get to look after you whenever I want now. Please put me on the Christmas tree, I know it can be sad but I feel like I can see everything from there and who doesn’t love Christmas. You need to laugh more Mum, we’re both sad of course but we both need to laugh and then you’ll feel better, happier. I can hear a dog barking in my neighbour’s garden, she makes me feel like she’s left a dog behind or wanted a dog. I actually think she just loved animals, it’s really important to her that you know she’s OK – she promises she’s being really, really well looked after, and she still loves hanging around the pool or water – loves it and the sun doesn’t burn her.
She’s making me feel like you have or are considering planting a tree that will continue to grow for her. She loves that idea. She blows kisses to you all, even Dad and she gives me a huge grin. Love you XXXX
Jethro Cooper (Grace Ford)
Ian Andrew Bowers (Robyn Bowers)
Gwendoline Bawden (Vanessa Pike)
Cliffy Bain (Kylie Carisbrook)
He tells me straight away he’s only doing this for you, he’s still not sure he believes but if it helps you he’ll try. Don’t expect anything too personal though!! That’s a cute picture, he says, I certainly didn’t look like that when I died, but anyway we all know how that ended. So how’ve you been? Lots of laughs, of course I don’t need to ask that but a stranger is writing down my words (in her dressing gown!). Cliff had a great all round sense of humour, never suffered fools gladly. He says his own son has grown already and wow, you are doing such a great job (he has tears in his eyes) He’s a handful but such a joy. I feel like there may be more children with you.
Life’s not all bad, he’s glad you are moving forward, it’s healthy to do that so well done. He says ‘you know how I felt, I told you right ‘til I died and nothing’s changed. So thank you for listening ‘finally’. He flashed a small tattoo someone got and then he just laughed. Take care of you first, and let others run around you for a bit ok. Jobwise, you’ll be sweet, keep doing what you are doing for now. He says “I love the support you’ve got around you, thank her for me (it feels like he means a really good girlfriend or even his sister) See you as usual Christmas Day, oh and all the days in between too, lots of love C
Ian George Butson (Katie Butson)
Haydn Curyer (Donna Sedgman)
Hi there – he’s been watching me patiently, chatting to the Mum he’s next to.
I was about to call it a day today but he got my attention. He says, “Hey beautiful, how you doing?”
It’s been almost 3 years and I’m proud of you. You’ve done what you said you would and I’m glad. I’m fine – would far rather be with you but I’m OK. I feel a sense of tragedy around him when he passed and it’s hard to let it go sometimes. He promises he’s all good now and watches you every time you are out and about, keeping you safe.
I feel like there is a little girl around you now, she’s very giggly and he loves that.
Make sure the star is straight on top of the tree and if it’s not then blame him.
2020-2021 will be fast and good so make sure you make them count. Stop working so hard or actually, keep working hard and he laughs. He pauses and says. “I always loved you, thanks”.
Bryan Cormick (Karen Cormick)
Oh he says, making my photo that big you’ll not need your glasses and he laughs. He could be a little intense when he got onto a subject he liked talking about. He liked to share his views as he puts it. He was relatively strict when you were young but you could still wrap him around your little finger. He misses you all so much, there was still so much to say, so much to do, he says. He still had so many places to visit so how about you make sure you see them all. He’s just flashed New Zealand in front of me like that was somewhere important to him or somewhere he wanted to go to. You’ve all done well and grown so much which is what families are supposed to do so he’s grateful for his small part to play.
Someone could be doing more gardening as they have really good soil but they are just not making the most of it. Remember please, life is for living. He says you have a decision right now going on, just follow your heart, never mind your head, it always gets in the way. He’s definitely not alone, there is plenty keeping him busy here so it’s OK to miss him but stay busy and you’ll be fine. There’s something you’re frightened about or afraid of – he says to tell you he’s right beside you and you’ll be OK. The journey is worse than the destination. He asks you to give his love to everyone – he mentions a brother briefly?
All my love your old Dad xxx
Edward John Deakes (Tracey Gray)
Mary Bozkurt (Perihan Bozkurt)
I feel shy, until you get to know me, then I’m a barrel of laughs but not everyone knew that. I could’ve had dyslexia?? She may even have had a stroke because writing this message is really hard, it’s like my brain and hand just don’t work together. I’m so glad you posted this picture of me, how you remembered me – my memory or my mind feels very affected at the end, just towards the end.
She feels quite sad she had to go quite so young but then again no more grey hairs or wrinkles, just forever young – then she laughs, when she laughs, wow she’s so alive, it’s amazing!
Tell my sister, she says, to keep living, you have so much to keep living for and so much more to see and experience, it’s all in front of you right now – so, so ,so much to look forward for.
2019- 2020-2022 travel, weddings, travel, babies, holidays, laughter, maybe a few endings but oh wow, your life, what a story, perhaps it’s time you actually started writing it down!
I love you Sis and I’m forever grateful, thank you for all you do for everyone and that’s my Christmas present to you Angel!
See you one day on the other side but right now I am write by your side
Lots of Love M x
William Brown (Sheila Hill)
Well what’s all this fuss about, you know you’re strong and now you’ve got me and your Mum looking after you, but you know a burden shared is a burden halved so remember to share with those who care about you and there are lots. You know it was so good to see my Mum again, I realise how much I missed her and I know you miss us exactly the same. You know you always did do the right thing, you know I got to love you and yes I lost you , but I get to see you more now, so tell Terry to look out, I’m always watching and no more complaining.
He’s showing me a beautiful deserted beach you are going to very, very white sandy beaches and you are walking along alone pondering as you do, he says when you get there he’s gonna join you on that beach. Take some time out there, get your thoughts together and just keep breathing. Well you have so much love around you now and fun to be had so no time to be sick, just keep moving forward, no looking back. Your brother needs to lose weight – I’m worried about diabetes for him and it can be avoided. Now your youngest grandchild, well she’s a beauty and she sees me, I keep her busy, well you know you wouldn’t expect anything less would you. Now come on chin up you’re going to be alright whatever happens, we’ve got it all sussed out – all you need to do is breathe and laugh and love all of you. Tara for now all my love Dad X
Alice Brown (Sheila Hill)
Oh Hello! Well isn’t this nice. All the family back together again for Christmas, except Beatrice, that’s a shame but oh my she’s 80 now! I keep an eye out for you all the time Sheila, it’s the least I can do, we may have had our differences but I still loved you just as much as your brother. Your Dad is still keeping me busy. It was a shame things got so hard at the end for him and your brother. I was fine but it’s everyone else who suffers. I’ve got all my brothers and my ‘Dad’ with me again and it’s lovely, just like old times. June will be a good month for you next year, you’ll all be on top form. It’s been a hell of a year but you’ve got the strong genes in you. Derek will be happy again. I can see that now so don’t worry. There’s still health issues around but they’re all managed finally. I’m glad I’m not there in that heat but you are right, Dad would’ve loved it and we should’ve stayed. Thank you for looking after my things, well your things now!
Your Dad says to say stay out of mischief and he prefers your hair now – but what colour will it be next PINK or WHITE. He’s never, ever far away from you, when you need him most he’s there watching everything and he’s always trying to make you laugh. There’s plenty time for you to join him so keep living – he loves watching the waves with you. All our love to you all Mum and Dad xx
Happy Birthday she says “Happy Birthday Lass” oh she says we are top heavy here just now there’s no room for anyone else just yet so you tell him to stop worrying.
In fact you can all stop worrying – she’s showing me Uluru like you might be going there soon – it really is her landmark for Australia.
She says your Laura is beautiful – what a gentle soul and tell her I get to hear all her songs all the time and I’m always in the front row watching her. Of course I’m praying with my great grandchildren, why wouldn’t I be? Your Dad’s tormenting them I’m playing with them – she loves the teacups and tea parties Vivienne does – Andrew is so like us all – well, all the good bits he even has Grandad Cooper in there, you’ll see.
Keep cool it’s gonna be a hot slog ‘til May. So remember that for all your travels.
I’m, no we’re, so happy (Dad’s corrected me) that you have so much family around you now – just wish it was us too. She says you should melt down her jewelry and make some bits you can leave behind. Look after you’re back, lass, get a massage please – you’ve been carrying so much a few massages will help you feel better. Thank you for listening I love you all, all the time. Have a good Christmas, please. All my love Mum x
(this is my Aunty Alice who I am named after and she was named after her Granny. My relatives who do follow me never encroach on me to give them messages so it is a lovely day today to hear from my favourite Aunty – she is in my room all the time and she helped me to become the Medium you know today x)
James Aitken (Sharon Dohnt)
Olive Chamberlain (Rhiannon Parkinson)
I feel like I know this lady – she looks so familiar to me!
She loves being here – loves, loves, loves it, she gets to nosey at everyone and see how it all works now.
I have a cancer feeling around her and oh so many people now and so many to thank and, and, and (she talks lots)
She loves the picture it’s perfect – well minus a few wrinkles and she laughs.
You’re doing OK you all are – yes family secrets and she laughs – she’s not giving anything away and laughs again. She’s happy, very happy and glad to be so mobile again, death was quick – it’s what she wanted and only those that mattered knew. You are to get your gallbladder tested, you might have stones – don’t get it out but just watch the food, plenty greens and she laughs again. She’s making me feel like she’s not got too much left to say but just is very happy hanging around you all the time. Bye lots of love xx
James Collins (Gaynor Murray)
What a haircut and he laughs “I’m so cool eh!” I feel sick and frustrated, he so wasn’t ready to die – I feel like he had so much more to do and be and say! So instead he’ll bug you and keep on at you ‘til you listen.
James had a good heart but he says he was easily led and he laughs that I wrote that. Merry Christmas btw he says to all of you everywhere – he gets to have Chrissy dinner with loads of people and doesn’t put on a pound he laughs. He asks you to give Mum his love please and he’s with her a lot – all the weird signs are him. There’s a funny smell connected to him but he’s laughing at that too, you’ll know?
Only I move house more – really again, laughing! Thanks for putting me on here I feel special and I love that everyone gets to visit me here – thank Aunty Karen? for me too, feels like Karen is important here for him and I had to mention it. Merry Christmas, go and open presents and eat love J xxx
William Best (Leonie Oriley)
Well wasn’t I the ‘best’ ha ha ha. What a gorgeous man and this picture just about captures how awesome he was. Hes trying to distract me, it’s hard to get a serious sentence out of him, what a joy for a morning! He says I have a great job! He’s a story teller, he says “oh let me tell you about my family” I stop him and ask him about him, he never put himself first and still isn’t. There are so many people to mention but he wants you to know ‘he winks’ you are the favourite, always were, always will be. He doesn’t really like being on the other side, he loved his life, ups and downs and he says you need to as well. He misses his hot cuppa,(he’s disappointed I’m drinking hot water).
Well, say Merry Christmas to the family, make sure you save some for me and keep moving forward even when it feels too hard, get on with it please. I’m actually OK here really, I have the “best” company and all the others, he laughs.
Merry Christmas and have the best 2018, its shaping up nicely so enjoy and he says he’ll be on the boat with you! X
Karen Canty (Melissa Griffiths)
Oooh, I like that photo, that’s my intelligent look, cheeky I was intelligent. She is the kind of lady I wouldn’t mess with – total no messing with her, got to get it right. Thanks for putting me here, I like it, feels nice to be remembered in this way. So another Christmas eh! Give my love to everyone; I feel like she misses all the things she wasn’t supposed to have. Yes I died young; yes it could’ve been avoided but here I am and there you are. Look after Mum for me (she tears up). Happy Happy Christmas to you all. I feel like there is a house move going on or being considered, she says about time!
Merry Christmas to Everyone, yes everyone and give MY family a special hug from me please xx (she drew a heart)
Paul Delaney (Lauren)
He says BOO, I miss you, it’s been a long time, I saw your pimples but you never saw mine ha ha ha.
Paul was such a happy, happy wee thing – such a short little life but he was a big ball of energy. Don’t be sad, I’m not, I’m back home and I’m happy. He’s making references to sci-fi like its significant with you? I can hardly get him to stand still, even now, fully grown up in spirit, he is still going 100 miles an hour. Thanks for always remembering me and including me, Love you X
Timothy Clark (Ebony Clark)
Stop your yabbering on – he laughs, he makes me feel like he’d be the kind of Uncle that would tickle you even when you were mad at him and he’d tease you all the time. “life is short and it’s supposed to be an adventure, not all adventures are at home. Sometimes you gotta go out into the big wide world and find out things for yourself. He’s very quiet when I try to get a sense of how he passed, like he really doesn’t want to talk about it. I get a sense of him being with someone who committed suicide, not him but someone he was close to or knew well. I also have a cancer feeling again not him but someone close to him – they are all together again. He’d rather talk about everyone else rather than himself! But I do have a heavy feeling in my chest and again he either had a car crash or a heart attack or he’s with these people too. He really is a tough nut to crack. He wants you to keep going no matter what, keep going – you’re a good person and deserve to be surrounded by good people and he says to remember that. I get a feeling he was really close to his Mum, but he was close to your Mum too although he’s not her brother. You are a lot like Mum and he likes that, it’s all good. He’s still amazed at how well remembered he was and is, he was just a down to earth bloke doing his thing till it all went wrong and he couldn’t. So keep smiling, stop shouting and if your job is that bad leave it!!!! Look for another, you are a good employee just sometimes taken advantage of. Please say hi to the gang for me and I miss ya’s all. I am always at the parties/gatherings/celebrations thank you all for that. He hung his head in sadness that he had to miss so many but he is really grateful for what he did have and he is very, very grateful for being remembered so much, almost like he can’t believe you all miss him that much! Enjoy this year and change jobs then go on holiday for God’s sake! Love Tim X
John Dodemaide (Diana Dodemaide)
Thanks for picking a happy picture, I’m glad you did – she’s not sure about the beard and neither was he, just lazy – he has the biggest laugh. I feel quite tight in my chest as I tune into his energy but I actually think that’s you holding onto the pain of losing him so young (both of you).
He’s happy to talk to you but for what you want he says it will take more than 15 mins. His head drops and I feel all serious – he’s sorry he couldn’t hang on, sorry to not be there, sorry for everything. He wants to make sure you can hear him – “he’s sorry”.
Please don’t let outside influences ruin your life, be the girl he always knew you to be – please – no matter what anyone else says, you have to be you, no matter who you are like. He’s at peace now and that’s important but only if you all are. Going over and over it won’t change anything but moving ahead changes everything. I feel like there’s a little boy with his name, it makes him tear up now. So love and God bless talk soon Dad x
Janelle Chapman (Stacey Reilly)
God, is this really the best photo, I’m not even smiling, but hey, my hair’s shiny. So what you been up to? Apart from asking me constantly if I’m there. I’ve got jobs to do you know, I’m not sitting on my a**e (ha ha ha, she doesn’t like swearing, meaning me, Alice).
So you’re doing so much better than you realise you know. Your still a crazy b***h but I love ya heaps. You really need to focus on you, stop always worrying about other people, in fact stop worrying full stop. Life is going to go on no matter what you do or don’t do, so you might as well make it count. I can’t live life to the full anymore so it’s time you did! Watch the new movie, The Secret, Dare to Dream, just to remind you how this positivity stuff actually works.
Give my love to everyone and I’m watching you, no not in a creepy way!
Love J XX
Marama Robert Michael Clarke (Zara McCann)
Look he says I’m up high! I liked to be up high, hiding. I feel like he is telling me he could be quite shy till you got to know him and boy, when he smiled the whole room lit up but that wasn’t too often. He kept that for special occasions. He loved animals, he thinks he could’ve been a great Zoo Keeper and he laughs.
I feel like I have a weight on my chest – he says so does his family, there was nothing they could’ve done, I just wasn’t supposed to grow up was I, it’s OK but I can only be at peace if you are – so let me go, keep moving forward please, then I can too. Remember me yes, miss me yes, but stop living NEVER – just imagine I’m away at camp having the time of my life please. I’m not alone, there are plenty of friends old and new to keep me company ’til we are all reunited again and that’s the thing – I’ll see you again, when it’s your turn, so until then love you all and thanks – it was real! X (big kiss)
Rita Chammaa (Monique Burns)
Detail was very important to this lady. She liked things how she liked them not what others said or told her but how she liked them. I feel quite tired as I tune into her energy and she tells me that’s you too. You are working too hard, you’ll get old before your time. Where has your smile gone lately she asks? All the business when she passed and was ill is in the past you have to move forward “please” she says.
Yes she was too young to die you are right, way too young but not doing what you know you should won’t help you.
She drew my attention to the ‘R’ on her necklace in the picture – I feel like you have been wearing it or touch it every day at least and she loves this, it’s a big part of her letting you know she’s still around. She promises she won’t miss a thing, she gets to see everything, all you have to do is trust that and know when you think of her – she’s right there. She loves you all very, very much – yes even the brother! (yours hers or both) She smiles and asks me to tell you to imagine her touching your hand right now as you read this. She’s always there in the wind sun even the “tears” rain. She is so, so proud of the person you are “oh” definitely but keep moving forward don’t get stuck on old emotions. Hope this helps all my love Mum Xx
Bah Ba Cheung (Yuen Tong Telindert)
Chris Attard (Sarla Attard)
“You don’t need a Psychic (he says with disrespect :-)) to know I’m ok, of course I’m ok – I’ve done what I needed to do, lived how I needed to live and now I’m gone but I’m ok – I mean I miss you everyday that’s for sure – well maybe not the nagging ha ha but definitely the fun we had. OH he says you need to remember the fun that’s what I hang onto, the fun and love and laughter and you gave me lots of that as did the kids – grey hair too!
I’m definitely OK, I’m adjusting to being the new kid on the block, I know it feels like I’ve abandoned you but I promise I haven’t, you just have to grieve for me and then after the intense grief you will feel me or know I’m around more.
He makes me feel like you have 2 boys – ‘he’s of course worried about them, one especially is struggling as he is so worried about you and wants you to be ok – he says just love them, words are not always necessary just love them! He likes that you are all being there for each other, he likes that a lot, he knows you are trying shut out the world but he asks you not to – be with people who want to support you but tell them they don’t need to fix you – just their company is enough. “Sarla” I’ll always love our life and how you made it for us – I wasn’t perfect and could’ve done things differently but I did my best and that’s all you can do!
Now Christmas – I’m there every minute in your memories of Christmas past and this year will be different, it will be a new memory without me – it doesn’t have to be sad just because I’m not there – LIVE that’s all I want for you all, live the life I can’t and be the best you can, I’ll be watching you always. Please know my love I’m not alone, there are plenty of people here to keep me happy and occupied and with all the love you gave me to take with me how can I possibly feel sad and alone?
Miss you now and forever All my love C X
Keith Campbell (Sharon Campbell)
I feel out of breath and a pain in my heart, perhaps angina or a heart attack, but he says it was too early, he wasn’t ready and not sure he ever would’ve been. Life had certainly changed since this picture was taken but he says you feel more settled now than you ever have in your entire life and that it’s about time you had peace!
There is a lot about upsetting apple carts right now, he asks why get involved, do what you always do “trust your gut and act from the heart” it’s what you are good at. So no more trying to please others, do what’s right for you and to “hell” with anyone else and he laughs, you’re too old now girl to worry about other people you need to put “you” first ok and hubby.
I miss my life even though it wasn’t always easy, I still miss it but I’m happy don’t worry about that and I don’t need air conditioning here he laughs. Ok so Merry Christmas and please do what “YOU” want to do and what’s in your heart.
Love you Dad X
Allan Cooper (Anita Cooper)
I’m pushing in – Alice doesn’t mind ha ha ha. Well you did it, you got through a whole year without me and yip it’s that time again – I’m so glad you’re getting on with your life it’s what we agreed – no moping around – well for too long anyway. Get that thyroid of yours checked out it’s still too slow. Love what you have done with your hair and the house it’s all good. I started the change and your continuing it well done! Ok love you big time, love seeing you smile again – Happy Christmas XX
John Beach (Cassie Gallagher)
It’s not too often that I am drawn to both people on the same page one after another but John wasn’t a man to push himself forward unless your Nana was behind him. He misses her and their life as much as she does, its funny he says all the worries, pains etc they all just disappear, they really don’t matter, all that matters is the love, the love shared, the love you had, the way you were loved and “oh boy” was I loved – please tell your Nana how much I still love her, she will always be the love of my life no matter what, even death doesn’t take that away – it was the one thing I was scared of losing was her love – Thank You – I know she’ll cry but “Merry Christmas my love” – see you when I see you but I’ll be holding your hand on Christmas Eve Xx
Mark Davies (Sue Griffiths)
I feel like cancer may have not been too helpful here. “God I look p***d in this picture” he says laughing a stifled laugh. That was a good day Sis good choice. Well what have I been up to – well apart from trying to keep you all sane, not a lot, its pretty cruisey here – Mark is a joker, he’s laid back, nothing seems to phase him. “I miss “yas “ all and love the garden thank you.
I feel quite heavy in my chest when he passed, but he says its all gone I’m all good, he says I had to go sometime, so might as well have been when I’d be missed rather than being an old fart everyone forgot about.
He makes me feel like he’s with Dad and he tears up when I say this. He asks me to tell you “he’ll always have your back always don’t you worry- please tell the kids I’m fine and I see everything I’m not missing a trick, but I’m really glad life is going on, it had to. I was too young we were all too young for it to stop. Love you Mark X (big kiss)
Noelene Bates (Jo French)
Well she says “I’ve been waiting patiently for my turn and here it is today” – she thanks me – she is such a gracious lady, kind, soft, caring and would and did do anything for everybody. She liked things done properly, didn’t matter if they weren’t perfect as long as you tried your best to do them as properly as possible. She knows you loved her and miss her dearly and that makes her really smile. You’re a beautiful big hearted girl (woman) and as long as you do your best then never mind what anyone else says. She hears you all when you talk to her and does her best to show you the answers and help you along. She makes me feel like there is a wedding coming up soon and she loves the dress.Please she says ‘give my love to everybody. I miss you all and all our antics’ She laughs. She jokes about her missing her car like that has some significance for you all. Don’t stop what you’re doing, keep at it, it will pay off in the end she promises. She says special love to the ‘D’ in her life and thanks again for putting her on here, she loves it xx
Rosemary Body (Lyn Presland)
Well aren’t you a lucky one, but to be honest love you could do with some cheering up, so I pushed my way to the front for you. Now you need to get out and have some fun, its been a tough year but have a great Christmas and New Year please – you know I loved Christmas do you think I’ll hang around if you’re sad (ha ha ha she giggles). I took my time going didn’t I, I didn’t mean to but so much was going on in my head – think it was the drugs you know – kept me alive for too long doctors can interfere too much you know,
Anyway I know lovely Alice doesn’t have all day so Lyn love, both of you, all of you, “Happy Christmas” I’m fine – happy-relaxed-cosy and back to my old happy self – phew. Lots of love Mum X
PS Keep asking I’m always listening and always helping. (such a lovely person your Mum what a great start to my day)
Dennis Burns (Alice Terry)
Denise, now listen to your old Dad, stop worrying about things you can’t change. I’m proud of you and I’ll be at the wedding along with your sister and that’s all that matters. I wish I was there, I’m not sure what I could do but at least this silliness would be over. She’s a strong woman who raised strong women and I’m so proud of both my girls.
The boys are doing great, sorry young men in fact, you’ll be a Granny in no time at all, that makes us all smile. He’s with a cousin he was close to and she has tears in her eyes when she sees everything she missed, they both do but he then says, we had Disneyland and that was terrific. Have a Mochaccino for me and I’m always whistling at you.
All my love, Dad X
Happy 60th Derek, I’m glad your happy pal. Look after your heart, you only get one, I should know. I miss you all but I am immensely proud of you all. I’m glad you’re happy. Mum wishes she could be with you and actually so do the girls.
And guess who wants to say hello! Alan, imagine that after all this time. He knows you think about him often. He loves the laddies especially the oldest, he’s just like you. Have a drink on us all.
Love Dad X
I have lots of people think you’re so lucky being a Medium and you can talk to your loved one’s all the time. It doesn’t really work like that, I mean yes I can but I’m so busy helping others sometimes I forget – so today is for my brother, it’s his birthday and I haven’t seen him for about 10 years. So please Derek read Dad’s message:
“just for your old Dad, go on” He doesn’t like that we are all so far apart but he’s lucky he gets to see us more now. He’s not sure about the heat or beer in Dubai but he loves the exotic plants you get. He wants you to look after yourself and stop feeling guilty, you’re exactly where you want to be and that’s terrific he says. I don’t like heights but you’re managing. He says Darren will be out to see you soon, you’ll see. He says have a piece of cake for him, he misses the homemade baking. He’s flabbergasted at how much we all still think about him (makes his eyes water) Alice has her rose garden, Denise sings for me and you always toast me when it counts – every birthday too. There’s a baby coming – Grandad – don’t miss out too much Derek and take the pills all of them, when you are supposed to not just when you remember. Have a nice day Derek and well done! Love Dad.
“Whenever there is a song in your heart know I am smiling at you all, I am prouder than ever to be a Burns and to see how far you have all come even without me, I wanted to be the best Dad and did my best, the best I knew how, you are all great. I miss your Mum but I know she’s ok, and she knows I’m ok. I still get nagged even in heaven – its been an eye opener and great reunion, all the Roberts were waiting for me I’m just sorry I had to ruin the Birthday. Keep the music going and I will always be around. Till we meet again, till we meet again – and know that we will, love DB Xx”
Maria Aguirre (Loreto Hernandez)
Hello dear, well I guess I didn’t smile enough then. She says she didn’t like surprises and she could be a nervous person, hmm not fearful but just anxious at times. You can be exactly the same so stop it, it’s time you started speaking up – life is not a rehearsal and it’s for living, really living. Travel, explore, have “fun” then she says she gets to do all that with you because she knows she is never ever far from your heart, daily she ‘smiled’ at me. Thank you and thank you all for everything you did for her, her gratitude is huge and if she could give you the lotto numbers she would. Have a lovely summer, I get to stay cool she says and laughed.
Lots of love Nona or Nanna or maybe she’s with Nonna? Anyway lots of love XX
Maureen Absolom (Cassie Absolom)
Hello Hello – well my loves its sunny its always sunny here and I love it, I want to say here and now for the record – I miss you all so much and I love you all so much, you were all so sad when I left and for the first time in my life I couldn’t make it better so I truly hope this helps. I haven’t missed a trick, please stop thinking of me and my last days (especially to her youngest daughter) we all have to die someway, that was my way ha ha ha she laughs Frank Sinatra “I did it my way” Your Mum makes me feel she was the life and soul of the family but you have to keep doing what she taught you and keep doing it your way, she’s with you every single day – but she is kept busy with her own Mum – yakking and catching up – Ha ha ha – it’s been a surprising journey for her, life, death and afterlife they all have their own challenges but every journey is worth it remember that. No matter the outcome it’s the journey that counts. Can you all remember that right now please! Ok she says I’ll sign off for now but remember that voice in your head is still mine, Thank you all, my love is your love Mum X
Margery Cormick (Chris Tippett)
Margery feels very short of breath at the end but is happy to breathe freely now – “I miss you but I’m peaceful no more aches and pains thank god! I’ve met Dad and that’s been a laugh finally. I hope you will have a great Christmas, slow down and remember I still check up on you I can see when you are being cheeky. I’m glad everyone has moved on it’s supposed to be that way it’s life – but thank you for remembering me when you need me.
Next year, take a big holiday, maybe it’s time eh? I love you, love Mum XXX
Jeffrey Devey (Melissa Jade)
Well first of all he is very peaceful, happy yes and no. He was so full of life he was sad he had to give it up but happy because he gets to do it all again without the pain this time, but he makes it very clear – he never complained – he did what he did- he got what he go, he had what he had and was grateful for it all. There is a bus load of people with him now and he loves it. He’s a real tour guide – ha ha ha – he says to all his family, life is too short for complaining and moaning if you don’t like it change it. A change really is as good as a rest. So do something different this Christmas please – why do the same thing, nobody says you “have to” but you – so do something different on me! Blame me ha ha ha! Miss you everyday – till we meet again when you’re “OLD” and “GREY” ha ha ha XXX
Reginal Day (Heather Pullum)
Harry Bird
“I’m not too good at words”, he says, “but I’ll do me best – I worked hard but was well loved and looked after. I liked working hard” – he sounds like he has a bad cough and something is on his lungs – he’s well rested now and ready to come back but this time he’ll choose an easier job and he laughs but he wouldn’t change anything else – his wife, his children, his siblings – well maybe one brother he’d lose and he laughs. Harry is an old pro at this, it’s been a while – he’s very contented – he was a simple man and very contented and still is – he says to keep smiling and laughing, your eyes sparkle when you laugh and he likes that – God bless ya and Merry Christmas Dad xxxx
Arthur James Ball
Well I’ve been bugging Alice for a while now but the last 3 days she’s not had any rest – sorry Alice he says and laughs.
He wants to pop in and remind you he’s not far away, he’s right there always when you need him and miss him. He says there have been a number of health issues surrounding you of late and he’s sorry he’s not been there but he promises he’s doing what he can from the other side – honest he is and he laughs.
He feels so light and full of life, like it’s the rest he always needed! He’s telling me you need this rest too. It’s time to give back to you, stop living for others, live for you. Then you’ll have more to give others – “good advice huh”! He says wisdom does come with old age and you know exactly what you need to do, so get on with it, stop talking about it, start doing it.
He adds in, “Oh and Happy Christmas, now you’ve let me be bossy for a change. My love always”
Dad XX
As I made his picture bigger he says “that’s better, you can see me now can’t you!” Arthur comes across as a real gentle-man but he has a bit of a cheeky sense of humour underneath a dry sense of humour. He was and is amazed at how well remembered he was and still is – “Thank you”. I feel uncomfortable trying to get a breath at the end – he says, “it was OK, it was quick”. He still potters in the garden but so wishes you would ‘dead head’ more often – he could be being sarcastic. He says technology is amazing but it wasn’t his thing – I have a real sick feeling like he might’ve passed with cancer. He is with so many people here, how could he possibly be lonely? “Thank you for missing me/remembering me and loving me so much – you’re a diamond, “ ‘Till we meet again Dad”. He wants to put kisses because he has watched others doing that but it’s not what he would’ve done when he was living x.
Sally Ann Bain
Sally was a very kind hearted person and loved by so many people. I miss her.
“Well, this is a turn up for the books. Thank you Carole, I miss you all but Oh we had some good times and ‘laugh’, did we ever. You know, it’s not so bad here – don’t have anything to complain about, ha ha. You need to say Hi to everyone for me. I’m watching you all and love what I see (mostly, she laughs) I feel Sue left 2 boys behind or 2 men are important to her – she kisses them every night still – she says slow down Carole, life’s short, remember do more of what ‘YOU’ love!”
Heather Bailey
Heather comes across a little nervous at first, full of intrigue. This was a beautiful soul of a woman – one of the kindest people you could meet (she thanks me).
“Well I don’t have to worry about eating too much here”, she laughs. She tells me you’re tired, more than just the time of year, You just give, give, give but it’s time to ‘give to you’ – hurry up and have that holiday please, it’s long overdue – (she’s talking to me too). It just confirms what a lovely, lovely, caring person she is. She wants you to know she loved being your sister, totally loved it. You had fun and games. She makes me feel like she’s with Mum – she also makes me feel she can either understand or use sign language – like someone you knew was deaf and they are here with her but can hear now and she smiles a huge big smile. “I love you Meryle, thank you for being ‘you’, the best sister a girl could have. Merry, Merry Christmas but lets not meet up too soon, you are still too busy – enjoy the Grand kids a bit more, all my love Sis.