Fanica Sturnieks (Val Tasevski)
Elaine Whitehead (Blake)
Tara Ronelle Rogers (Paul Muller)
Ashley Tezrise (Emma Wells)
Josephine Sansone (Anthony Sansone)
Diane Robinson (Emma Walsh)
Kathy Sabo (Suzanne Sabo)
Lorraine June Strauss (Sandra Morgan)
Tomislav Sterjovski (Val Tasevski)
Margery Shepherd (Sharon Campbell)
Usha Sundaresan (Naveen Kumar)
Giuseppina (Josie) Sansone (Fiona Moore)
Sorry, I feel like I barged in but getting through to my family is important. She was a lovely kind lady who hated to push in and put herself first, everyone else came before her and she never ever wanted to let anyone down. She love, love, loves this picture and this is exactly how she wants to be remembered please!
She feels very thirsty like she was always supposed to drink more water or was always telling everyone else to. Her body truly shut down on her and she says that’s okay. It is what it is but you are left picking up the pieces daily and she’s so sorry for that. Truly she is.
She mentions a sister and just wants to give them a big hug. She wants to tell you, you are not listening to yourself or your own advice and that’s the mistake she made so just for her, next year, can you please always put you first, not in a selfish way but in a self-preservation way.
She wants you to wear the ring, do what you need to but please wear it. She asks you to hug her grandchildren and yes, they do see her signs and she loves that. She loves you so much, thank you for doing this.
All my love forever,
Mum XXX.
Maureen Sharp (Karen Fitzwalter)
Ilona Toth (Maria Toth)
Raymond Shine (Belinda Shine)
Barry Riddell (Janine)
Morad Wassef (Michelle)
George Williams (Cheryl Williams)
Carmel Williams (Cheryl Williams)
Sebby Severino (Carmela Severino)
Peter Smith (Rachael Brazzalotto)
Thomas Shutts (Stephanie)
Robert “Bob” Size (Bev Logan)
Charlie Stevens (Kelly Stevens)
Pat Thomas (Kerry Thomas)
Denis Surlan (Mirjana)
Nick Siemensma (Sharonwaterman)
Maria Inacia Sequeira (Paula)
Anne-Marie (Mimi) Windels (Nathalie Renders)
Gilbert Young (Kate Scowcroft)
Jared Raymond Siegartel (Veronica Pezzo)
Christine Tamakuni (Sarah Tamakuni Keast)
Hello – my hand feels very shaky like she wasn’t very steady at the end. She loved her outings with you and loved her coffee and cake but possibly wasn’t meant to have it. What a great date to pick to go, you’ll never forget it and it’s a special number I hear.
You get to start again when you pass over but one thing I wouldn’t change was you. We had our ups and downs but you were always there for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did, I’m beyond grateful! I was so glad to see everyone again, people I haven’t seen (her own mother) for years and years. It’s so nice to feel the familiarity and feel like you belong again. Thank you for always having me in your thoughts and I’ll always help when you ask even if it’s a funny way of helping.
Apparently there are more babies to come and she’s smiling a huge smile for you. You’re to watch you don’t lose a bracelet, the catch is loose so be careful. Anyway, distracted as always,
Lots of love at Christmas time,
Mum XX
Susan Sharplen (Nicole Gelsi)
Dylan Bruce Taylor-McCutchan (Melissa McCutchan)
Roy Thompson (Sharon Waterman)
Daniel Williams (Sharon)
Pat Swift (Sue Morton)
Howard Walker (Jessica Walker)
Awwe you’ve got more hair than me in this picture don’t you! How are you ? This is new, better watch my P’s & Q’s. Well you managed a whole year without me didn’t you. You did it and so did I. I am always talking to you so no you’re not going mad.
You know it went dark then all of sudden I was like WTF. It was like someone was shining a really bright light in my eyes. I was so confused for a while, then I saw my Mums mum and I knew I’d be OK. Then I saw you all at the funeral/wake and I thought WTF yip, I’m gone. You did so well, you all did, thank you so much.
I know there’s been anger and frustration but next year will be so much easier, it just will. Can you make sure you all go to the beach for me and take me with you. The beach is a happy place for me and I feel at peace because you are also at peace there, you all are.
Watch what you are eating, you have a bit of indigestion going on, so just watch it. When you are out walking I’ll be there, when there are smelly smells,I’ll be there. I’ll always be there no matter what, I’ll be there supporting you and sending you my love, and remember whenever you make a decision, as long as you are happy with it, how could it be a wrong decision?
Merry Christmas Love Dad xx
Pamela Ann Stroud (Nicholette Stroud)
Gloria Katherine Smart (UA Robinson)
Grant Ashlwy Rankin (Lyndal Gill)
Mark Timms (Louise Timms)
Well, would you look at that, she picked me. You can stop hoping now lols here I am.
Hello, I’m so sorry this is so public but you put me here. How are you? What a ride. I hate to see you so alone and lost and still worrying about me, that’s why I’m writing this. I’m definitely at peace, finally. I need you all to know how deeply I loved you, you all. I showed it in my own way I just never expected to be doing it like this. All the firsts are hard for me too but remember I’m still right there when you need me, only a thought or breath away and you always could read my mind so you will know what I’d say to do when you are stuck.
Please celebrate Christmas for me and I’ll be there still looking after the Barbeque(he says to stop laughing). Thank you for being with me every step of the way. I didn’t want to leave you but when the breaths gone, it’s gone. Please keep living, do all the things we talked about, experience life just as you want to.
On the bright side you don’t have to go anywhere you don’t want to anymore and you get full control of the TV remote. (He is trying hard to bring humour into this because you need to feel lighter especially as Christmas approaches). Merry Christmas, love of my life you know you always were X
Jackie True (Sam Billings)
Betty Taylor (Kate Simpson)
Oh I wish you could all see me when I was 21. I hardly recognise myself here. I kept going didn’t I and she laughs. I was never going to get old. I was determined to keep going and I did. Thank you to all my family, I especially loved all the car rides.
I never felt alone. I always felt included and still do thank you. I have had so many people to say hello to. It’s been so lovely and so enlightening. So many were lost in the war and yet here they all are. I love that I’m so fondly remembered – thank you and that my things are still being used or on display brings tears to my eyes.
Keep putting one foot in front of the other and enjoy every minute, your health is the most important thing so please look after it. All my love X
PS I love that my name lives on
Margery Shepherd (Sharon Campbell)
Ashton Van Wyck (Jayde Van Wyk)
William (Billy) Rout (Tash Gerada)
Philip West (Gaynor Sherwin)
Stephen Robert (Jayde Van Wyk)
Charles Stanbridge (Gillian)
Derrin John Skidmore (Lauran Skidmore)
Eric Thorpe-Willett (Sabrina Thompson)
Julie Schwirse (Melissa Mazzeo)
Billie Rabbett (Belinda Rabbett)
Mable Wadsworth (Heather Henderson)
Anthony Swift (Sue Morton)
Allen George Walters (Robyn Dingle)
Well look how smart I am, what a nice picture, you always take good photos too. Ever since you were little you smiled like me. I can see my smile throughout the generations and it makes me cry good tears.
I lived a good life and you’re never really ever ready to go. I know I was a bit quiet at the end but you always knew I what I was thinking, thank you.
I’m looking forward to watching you all celebrate again. I always feel included thank you.
He mentions a brother he’s with and jokingly rolls his eyes and your own brother – don’t take no nonsense. Tell him dad will haunt him.
Keep looking after your tummy and it will look after you. Happy, happy Christmas,
All my love Dad.
George Sanders (Jackie Sanders)
Glen Thorpe (Alan Thorpe)
Anne-marie Windels (Nathalie Renders)
Anne Elizabeth May Smith (Sue Philpott)
Janie White (Katie Nikolic)
Wesley Willings (Debbie Tonkin)
Hinderika (Henny) Van der bos (Linda Bartlett)
My head is filled with numbers, numerology, astrology – this lady feels fascinated by all. She loved and was, and is, so loved in return. She was strict when needed and loving and supportive when she could be. There is so much more she wanted to do and see, live forever really, she loves that her family/you are doing that. She comes with you everywhere. She wants you to be assured she hasn’t missed out on anything but most importantly you are doing so well now and she’s happy for you.
You do need to relax a bit more and stop worrying so much about what others think or say – just be you. Every day look for the sunshine and images of the sun for that is where she is – in the light and that’s where you would be advised to put your attention to. Remember what you put your attention to, grows, so grow the love around you. My love is your love. You have so much of me inside of you. I am so grateful for you. XX
Paul White (Shelley)
Norma Wise (Helen Dalton)
Better late than never, sorry it’s taken me so long. I just love watching her (Alice) do this and I get so carried away with all the messages I forget to speak up. Anyway, you are doing well without me , yes we all miss each other but I’m grateful it’s easier and life goes on doesn’t it, the world just keeps on spinning.
There’s been a lot of change, everyone is maturing and she laughs. I was a good age, everyone wants to live longer but I did well. I love you and I’m so happy you still have things belonging to me that you actually use, thank you. I am real in your dreams, let everyone know that. Sadly you don’t always remember your dreams.
I love the wild birds, that’s when you really know I’m eavesdropping, she laughs. Your apparently a good Grandmother/Nana too and you’re passing on your wisdom now. She’s not alone and mentions Dad twice. I think it’s her Dad and then your Dad, this makes her really smile.
She is reminding you, you have her smile and yes she will look back in the mirror at you.
Happy Christmas
All my love Mum XX
Juanita Richards (Ann Villis)
Charlie Stevens (Kelly Stevens)
“Mummy, you’re interrupting me. I’m playing a game with Gramma”. (I think it’s your grandma but it’s not really grandma, he can’t pronounce it) “We play hide and seek, I always win. I’m playing it with you too. It’s just going to take a while ’til you find me again, but you will, I promise”.
He sounds like he has a lisp. Not bad, just really cute. He has a dog with him who’s his best friend in the whole world now. He wants to know why you are so sad? You know he’s around and just hiding. He suggests you are all going on holiday and says he’ll get there first.
He is so active. Never sits still for a minute. Always on the go. “When you and Daddy are asleep I jump on your bed” and he giggles. “I can sneak into the fridge too”. I feel like he liked milk or would love a chocolate milk.
Nothing hurts, he promises. He shows me he often is standing on the opposite side and holds your other hand, always when crossing the road. “Oh, oh, he says, play crossy roads, you’ll love it”!
He wants you to know that the big house is a gift from him when it comes and you’ll love it.
“Ok, I’m off down the slide”.
“Love youuuuuuuuuuuuu”.
Agazio Tedesco (Rebecca Tedesco)
Hello he says, with a bit of an accent.
He says he had a bit of a temper when he didn’t get his own way, lols and there are a few like him at the moment who aren’t getting their own way. He says to remind you, you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time, so please let go and look after yourself.
There have been so many changes since I left, I was stubborn and could be set in my ways but you all knew that and loved me anyway. Things really, really don’t matter. What matters is what’s in your heart so always trust your Grandpa, I’ve always got your back.
Love to my family and I’ll see you all again one day. Remember I am not alone & I am at peace and all myself again, fit & healthy. Look after your heart, you only get one.
Merry Christmas xx
Nathan Tullberg (Danae Tullberg)
Hayden Rae (Dave Ferris)
Naomi Tamakuni (Sarah Keast)
Bridget Vaudrien (Rebecca Vaudrien)
Oh Mum, my hair looks great in this picture, thank you for using this one.
I miss you all so, so, so much but I promise I am being really well looked after here. You need to take care of you too Mum, I’m OK, honest I am. I just miss you all as much as you miss me. Please do whatever is right for the family with my room, it’s OK, let’s face it, I don’t need it anymore.
There are times when I wish I’d been braver or had more confidence. Please make sure you all continue to live life to the full because I will be right there beside you all, enjoying every minute with you. There were definitely 2 sides to me, I could be shy and I could be annoying – hmmm I wonder who I took after?
Anyway please keep talking to me, I’m always listening and yes, of course the signs are from me. I keep trying all the time so never doubt it.
Happy Birthday Mum, sorry I’ve missed it again.
Love you with all my heart XXX, Dad too X
Erna Theil (Kelly Johnson)
Lyla Vescovo (Jenny Vescovo)
Beverley Iima Tamblyn (nee Sharp) (Justine)
“Well, well, well, would you look at that” Not only do we look alike but I love that photo too. Gosh look at my legs!
Thank you for helping me as much as you did. I’m truly grateful. I know you know but it doesn’t hurt to say.
Everything went black. I could hear so much but see so little. You always helped me embrace life’s challenges and even though I didn’t say it often enough, thank you!
Christmas is a time to eat, drink and be merry but I think if you did this a little more regularly you’d feel better.
Take care of you and all my love to everyone. I was very, very lucky and blessed with you all, no matter what you think.
All my love,
Mum (& Dad)
James Richard Woodrup (Nicole Woodrup)
Hiya, well isn’t this a surprise for you? How are you? Well, funnily enough I know the answer to that.
So how am I? (He’s laughing, he’s still making it all about him). I’m good, can’t complain, never could never did, life goes on without the heat! I’m glad you are smiling again, life’s too short to not laugh and smile. Keep yourself healthy, I should’ve looked after myself more, sorry.
He’s making me feel he has a daughter (possibly two) but anyway he’s not missed a thing, he watches over you all. He’s got plenty of people to talk to so don’t you worry about that. He’s reminding you that he’s free now, he can truly come and go as he chooses and he’s always checking in on you all.
Someone’s got a tattoo, he’s laughing about it, like it was a big deal, one’s enough, he says. Don’t worry about this virus, it will blow over, nothing will ever be the same but it is a storm in a teacup, you’ll be OK, just do the right thing for you. Make sure that you get out more and feel the wind on your face.
Love you and I should’ve told you more, even every day.
Happy Christmas XX
Noelene June West (Michelle Black)
Hazel Wright (Jennie Russon)
Ivy Taylor (Jo Williams)
Narelle Savage (Lauren Savage)
Nath Walmsley (Ness Walmsley)
Hey Mum, nice pic, I guess that’s me to a tee isn’t it? I’m pretty sure I was your favourite ( Ha Ha Ha, he can’t believe I write exactly what he says) I’m going to message you every Christmas if I can.
Life really is so fast, so fast. You are all just changing and life has been crazy. He makes me feel like someone’s moved house, he gives it the thumbs up.
Do you like the light show?? Of course it’s me, I’m trying to drive you nuts still. Thanks for talking to me every day, I hug you right back Mum, you really were the best.
Happy Christmas 2020, get some toilet paper (he’s laughing very loudly now).
Love you all XXXX
This energy is so faint (which may mean that he hasn’t been in spirit for long) but he wants to say Mum, Mum, Mum it’s OK, I made it, it’s OK. He’s bummed he’s missing Christmas so please make sure you don’t! You have to celebrate, we always do, you have to make too much food that we won’t eat, it’s tradition.
Sorry I’ve left, I know your heart is breaking, well everyone’s is, even mine but I made it. I’m safe and well, well as well as you can be. Remember ‘the firsts’ suck apparently, all of them suck but I will never ever be far away Mum.
Thanks for everything you’re doing for everyone. Now off you go, have a good cry in the bedroom then get the Christmas tree lights on. I’ll be back..…
Love you
Nate XX
Alan Tilbury (Beth Tilbury)
Is this really your favourite picture of me, what was I thinking? I’m teasing, it’s great, thank you.
Well, where to start, it went dark and I felt cold and then it was like the blood came rushing through me again but it was too late. I was away. It’s very peaceful when you pass, you need to know that.
So life is crazy right now. Did you know it’s up to you to slow it down whenever you like, I mean seriously, you can. It’s as easy as breathing. When you slow things down, funnily enough life slows down. Amazing huh! I’m so proud of you, please don’t think that I’ve missed a thing because I haven’t. You’ll move house one more time and I’ll move with you but this time you’ll be really settled.
Remember I always loved you, just never really said it enough. Thanks for understanding and always talking to me and being the peacekeeper. You have such a bright future ahead, please stop worrying, you’ve totally got this.
Merry Christmas,
All my love, Dad X
Jared Siegartel (Veronica Pezzo)
Ted Staples (Debbie Staples)
Barbara Wilson (nee Glover) (Melissa Murdoch)
Kathy Sabo (Suzanne Sabo)
Hello, well here I am again in your ear. You’ll be fine, I know it’s the first Christmas but you’ll be OK, you’ll see, so stop worrying. Get yourself outside and enjoy the fresh air. Wish I’d done that more often.
I’m content, not happy because I miss living but I’m not sad either. I’m just a bit like you feel.
Now you have a few choices to make next year, just trust yourself, if you feel good about it that’s all that matters. Thank you for holding my hand and being there. I know it was hard on you and I’m very grateful to you. Please just start living again, do whatever you can to be healthy and happy, OK? I’m only a heartbeat away, never forget that.
All my love, Mum X
Aliah Schwirse (Melissa Mazzeo)
Hey Mum/Guys, Surprise,
Happy Christmas, what you buying me this year? Sorry I broke your hearts when I was taken, it was a shock to me too really. Do you remember how I loved life when I was little? Well, every day is like that here but then I feel how much you miss me and I try so hard to hug you all and send signs. It’s never your imagination, it’s always me.
I’m not really sure what to say. Please celebrate my 21st, even just with a cupcake and a candle, I’ll still be there wishing I could taste it.
My room’s dusty. You can change it and clean it anytime you like. I’ll still be there (haunting you and everyone). I love being on this wall, it’s like everyone gathers together when she (Alice) starts, we’re all getting to know each other on this special online cemetery, it’s cool, perfect for me right!
OK better go,
Love you – Remember Happy Christmas, not sad Christmas A XXX
Ethel Mary Tranter (Nee Walker) (Amiee Mortimer)
Mable Wadsworth (Heather Henderson)
Good morning, she brightly says. She also loves I’m doing this on a Sunday morning for her. Her energy is amazing, she is so bright, bubbly, polite and wow, is she patient. You are exactly the same. She loves what you have done with her picture and she loves this picture. Thank you.
I feel that she met a lot of her grandchildren and great grandchildren and those who weren’t related but she loved them too. She lived a full life that was just right for her and she wants to thank everyone who was there for her through all the ups and downs. She’s looking forward to seeing you again one day.
She’s happy with her spirit family but feels she is always being called upon by her ‘alive (laughs) family’ too. So she loves being needed, thank you.
Don’t worry about anything. If we can survive 2 world wars, you can manage this. You’ll all be fine, don’t worry. The top will topple, they always do but the foundations are strong within people – do the right thing. Thank you for carrying on family traditions and I love all the weddings, I’m always there.
You know, dying is much easier than you think, it really is, once you accept the grief, that is.
I love the house, I watched the move (there’s been a few but you know what I mean). Oh, I could chat all day but this lovely lady does this for free ( this makes me smile as I write) and there are lots more waiting to talk to her too. Remember, when I’m in your thoughts and dreams, it’s real.
All my love to everybody XX
P.S. of course I’m with your Dad, husband, it was time.
Raymond Stanley Shaw (Caroline Peek)
Trevor Williams (Greta Lewis)
Pauline Schneider (Pam Castle)
Reuben Simons (Jocelyn Mason)
Tony Swift (Sue Morton)
Ha Ha Ha, you can run but you can’t hide. I’ve not been gone 5 minutes and here you are putting my name down for something else. (He is such a trickster, he’s teasing me). Now Christmas will be different, I’ll give you all that but you can still have a drink for me, can’t you? Toast me, nah not roast, TOAST.
I had to go sometime, might as well be now while I still have my looks. You did me proud no matter how long it took. Everything you did, have done and are doing, I’m truly grateful (see, I can give compliments).
Now, you need to look after yourself, you need a holiday and some good food and a bit of pampering, have it on me, he winks. Tell the family, thank you for sorting everything out. It’s like being on an airplane when you leave, it’s pretty cool and not nearly as awful as you think.
Right then Merry Christmas. Remember, celebrate!
Love Dad X
Bill (William John) Rowe (Tracy van vloten)
Grace Seneca (Teresa Elliott)
Maree Rhodes (Leanne Idegroot)
Victoria Spoor (Debbie Purchase)
Phillip Frank Salter (Sara Salter)
Steve Wigzell (Casey Leeson)
When the hell are you going to cut yourself some slack? Wow you’re a force to be reckoned with and as for your ‘mini me’, well let’s just say, I think I’m better off where I am and he laughs. I can’t be serious but in all seriousness, you are doing a FXXXXXG awesome job of life, you’re living it and that’s all that matters. Life is not meant to be hard or easy. It’s a journey and you make it easy or hard so ponder on that one yourself, smart arse!
Thanks for all you do for everyone and thanks for always acknowledging I’m around. I appreciate it and know that I’m never spying on you. It’s not like that. June 2025. Make sure you take the award with both hands, do not push it away! Okay better go and let others grab the spotlight. Love you babe, yes I do X.
Look at that, you found me and I wasn’t even looking at you. God, where to start!
Well, firstly, thank you for everything you’ve done for me. It was much more than I deserved and then you just keep giving over and over and over. You helped me as much as I helped you ( shut the f**k up), yes you did. You need to listen…….. You are going to be so much happier now, more than you know. The best bit about it is, I still get to haunt you, over and over and over (he laughs).
You always were and will be a good mum so cut out the crap and the self doubt! His eyes tear up as he thinks of his daughter, he makes me feel he really had 2 daughters. He wishes he was there for them but of course spiritually he will be (he laughs and says whatever that means).
Well, I’ll be in their heads for the rest of their lives and yours. Start getting organised, everything – work, food, exercise (he laughs as if this is an ‘in joke’?) and keep smiling or rather smile more, I actually always did love that smile!
Merry Christmas to you all,
Happy 2022, XX
Yang Wang (Yarong Wang)
Pierre-Luc Simpson-Jolin (Mathieu Drouin)
Richard Sheridan (Josie Herbig)
Barry James Williams (Tamara Williams)
Look at my cheeky look, you couldn’t have picked a better picture could you?
Now listen here, you’ve not been looking after yourself properly have you? You’ve been too busy putting everyone else first. Well, that’s not good is it. See I don’t miss a thing. So next year, set your hours and if it doesn’t work, change your job, easy as.
Smoking will kill you so remind everyone please.
I had a great send-off, I was lucky, I had everything I needed and my heart was full when I passed. It’s funny, you know you are loved but when you pass you really see how much you meant and how little you realised.
So travel, explore your own front door. Take a few risks, look after your health, that is the most important thing you can do. Remember if life begins at 40, what will your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s etc bring? Stay calm and no more stressing, just breathe and know I’m right there with you , “guiding you”.
A very Merry Christmas to you all X
Graeme White (Shelley)
Vicki Rhodes (Eshaya Rhodes)
Debbie Traynor (Samantha Warner)
Joyleen Williams (Tamara Williams)
Ben Robinson (Carol Robinson)
Sandra Webb (Michelle Lee)
Nathan Tullberg (Danae Tullberg)
Eunice Thompson (Sharon Waterman)
“Right, can you hear me”? “Good you can!”.
She wants everyone to get along. That’s all she ever wanted, she promises. She’s coughing, almost as if her lungs and heart got the better of her.
Now you’re worrying too much about things you can’t change. It’s time to see everything that does work. I was a terrible worrier, it never helped me. Worry and you worry more. It’s better to enjoy everything then you have more to enjoy.
My handwriting has gone very small and neat. Neatness was important. Being clean, neat and tidy sets you up for your day. Be kind and kindness follows. She really wants you to live life because when you’re with her again you’ll be wishing you’d done more. So her message is keep living like you’ve no tomorrow. Enjoy everything. Laugh lots and the only person you ever have to forgive is yourself.
I think your Dad is with her and he’s telling you that.
Merry Christmas. Have fun this year.
All my love,
Mum X
Roy Thompson (Sharon Waterman)
Avril Taylor (Meredith Taylor)
Gosh, I love that picture, you know me so well, that’s exactly how I felt most of my life – alive, strong, happy, independent, capable, thank you – great choice.
You still smell my perfume, I’m glad, I still love it too. She misses all her children and thanks you all for doing what you could to help her. She’s making me feel that she might have been ill for a wee while but that’s OK, she’s over it now. So many people have passed this year – 2020 has been one of a kind and my heart goes out to you all, I’m glad I missed most of it.
Someone has furniture of hers and she wants to remind them they don’t need to keep it all, only what you really love. So much has changed since this photograph. In the blink of an eye, life is over. So please enjoy every bit of it and stop stressing over other people and things that you can’t change.
I feel her final breath was peaceful and she really wants to reiterate that, it was exactly as it was supposed to be. You can put me on the Christmas tree, I’d like that, thank you. Have a “Happy” Christmas, I’ll be watching so do it right please. Lots of love Your loving mother XXXX
Sienna Sulda (Marie Sulda)
Hi Mum, Hi Everyone,
Great photo, thanks, do you remember me posing, I’m pretty sure I was moody 5 seconds later ( lots of laughter). Don’t be sad, I’m OK. I’ll look awesome forever now, not old and grey like you and Dad, ha hah ha. Mum, seriously, you need a new phone, please get a new phone, it will make your life easier. I cried when you all cried and I cry when you cry. But ‘Wow’, to have that just for me – and everyone talks to me there and remembers me, it’s perfect. Hey, did you know you were/are the best Mum “ever”. If I had to do it all again I’d pick you again in a heartbeat. I guess I might pick a stronger body next time tho. Next time.
Please can you thank everyone for looking after you for me, I’m so grateful, so many people love you like I did. I know Dad knows I’m around, he just doesn’t want to admit it yet, that’s OK, give him time. I’ve been in this room before, I like this lady, her nails are pretty and she’s really good. Mum ,you should see what she does.
Anyway, Christmas, yes that’s a biggie. Well of course I will be there, you just have to unwrap my presents for me, oh and use them too. She’s making light of this to help you. I promise I’ll be there on Christmas Day but no veggies thanks – referencing “Brussel sprouts”. She’s with an older lady who always served Brussel sprouts.
Please put a pink bow on the tree for me, take a pic and show Alice. It’s my love for you all wrapped up in a pink bow.
I love you so much it hurts but I promise I’m okay.
Love you XXXXXX
Ivy Stacey (Stacey Cassie)
Patricia Williamson (Lyn Williamson)
“Oh gosh, she’s picked me, I hope I get this right”.
Technology was not Mum’s friend but that’s OK. She did what she could and she laughs.
She feels like she’s not sure what to say and is quite overcome with emotion that I can actually hear her.
She tries so hard to let you all know she’s still looking after you all.
Quite a lot has changed since she died. (She doesn’t like that word, it always seemed so final but she was wrong)
You’ve been a bit unsettled of late and she wants you to know you are going to be OK. You all are. So please enjoy this Christmas doing what you want to do and get excited about the New Year! It will be a happy, prosperous one. Even a new baby too maybe (she winks at me).
Merry Christmas
David Brian Robinson (Alisha Robinson)
Alma Wren (Rachel Wren)
My, my – what a lovely photograph, we used to colour the photographs, gosh, how much has changed in such a short time. My genes live on and I’m thrilled I’m remembered so fondly. Even my name lives on.
I feel like she is with someone now who had a very bad cough at the end. It makes her smile a huge smile that they were reunited.
So much of her lives on, she keeps saying this. It’s her way of thanking you all for keeping her memory alive. I feel you are probably her age now and yes, it really was young. Tell everyone she’s very proud of her big family and all the love and forget the squabbles and small stuff, just remember the love and fun – that’s all that really matter.
Thank you for putting me on here, I love it!
Love & dearest wishes A xx
Clive Stack (Natalie Stack)
I can hear his shortness of breath as he comes forward to say his hello’s. I’ve not even been gone and you still won’t leave me in peace, (he laughs).
Well what a busy year you’ve all had, glad I got out while I could. My eyesight was maybe failing but there was nothing wrong with my hearing. He loves how well taken care of he was and he’s grateful. You all did a good job on him. Now this Christmas, it will feel different but he says, ‘I’ll let you into a little secret’. I’m still right there, watching and listening and laughing at everything.
I can’t believe all the sport was cancelled, well, well, well, may be there is a first time for everything – he digresses. Now I know you miss me and that and that makes me love you even more but you’ve gotta try and keep hold of yourself this Christmas. Have a drink on me, toast me and have another serving for me (it looks like a turkey leg he means).
Give your Mum a hug for me and let her know that her Mum says Hi.
Merry Christmas X
Andrew Robinson (Claire Robinson)
Jesse Sudhoff (Leslie Frye)
Gordon Remphrey (Jane Remphrey)
Gordon was adamant and determined to get my attention again.
He wants you to know that he is so proud of the year you have had and you have accomplished so much, it blows his mind. He wants you to know he is keeping an eye on you all, at the moment more than ever. He says to tell you to look after your feet. You haven’t been doing this yet you know how important it is. Your feet hold you up, ground you, stabilise you, so time to put your best foot forward ready for an even better 2022.
Merry Christmas and well done
Dad X
Well will you look at that, someone who will listen to me. He laughs a big laugh. How are you Kiddo? Life’s been ‘s***’ eh! But no, you just keep on going and going and going and going and going. You’ve raised some good kids there and helped a lot of people, I’m proud of you. Seems like you did listen to me after all.
Keep getting those feet wet, are you listening? If you don’t move forward, you won’t move forward, if you don’t fall down, you won’t know how to get up again, are you with me or shall I keep going? (he laughs again).
Hey this one (me Alice) is a good egg, glad you met her, she’s blushing now – more laughs. You have a good career ahead of you now and good business sense just stop ‘fogging’ it all up OK. You don’t need it. You’ve got this, you let the past go like a ship without a sail, it doesn’t need direction, it just needs letting go, then you can get on with life again. Love HA! you have plenty of that, keep sharing it everywhere you go and it will be showered back at ya!
I may not have said enough when I was living and breathing but you got me, you know what I was all about. Well, any advice you’d have given me now, take it for yourself. If I had a million dollars I’d give it to you over and over and over again, because you know exactly what to do with it. So when this money does come to you, make sure your plan is ready and you can hit the ground running.
Love you (Janie Bear??) Give yer old Dad a hug, you know where I am, always. Give those kids a hug from me too Dad X
Elaine Walker (Nicki McHenry)
Yes, she laughs, another 2020 death. She’s joking that if only I could pick the lotto numbers like I’m picking the deceased from 2020.
Your Mum is a chatterbox, she’s alive, filled with energy, joy, hope and nosiness. She did not look her age ever and she says you have the same genes. I feel that she was in a bit of pain when she passed, physical and emotional. I feel like she had a fall close to the end as well. I’m not sure that she really recovered.
Christmas, she tuts, it’s 1 day, oh well I know you’ll enjoy it and I know the children will too, make sure you save a space for me. Now…2021 is going to be much, much better thankfully and the new normality will be exactly that. She’s asking you to look after your eyes, don’t neglect them, you only get one pair. Keep baking, I’m wondering if that’s your daughter! Anyway everyone is a better cook than she was so keep going. She’s says you’re tired and really need a sleep (may be she’s talking to me too lols). Seriously, make sure you’re not burning the candle at both ends.
The tinsel that keeps falling down, it’s me!!
Love you lots and I miss you all so very much.
Mum X
Debbie/Deborah Tregidgo (Amber)
Mary Snook (Cynthia Snook)
Raymond Templeton (Michelle Lindsey)
Hello nuisance. Of all the pictures you could’ve picked, you chose this one with the silly hat. You were a good “daughter” to me, thank you. Truly, thank you for everything you did for your Mum and Me. I am grateful.
I’ve watched you grow up and I still watch you and it never fails to amaze me what you still get up to. You’ll be old and grey (OK greyer lols) and you’ll still surprise me. Oh and grand-kids, well not to give the game away too much but there’s still more to come. You’ll be grinning like a cat.
You know it’s getting pretty full up here so no more for a while OK! Life’s good now. There’s a few down there still have to get their S*** together but they will, you don’t need to worry anymore, just keep being you please and you’ll keep moving forward. Watch your back, it’s your best friend so treat it kindly please.
Right gotta love you and leave you AGAIN but not really, right! You know I’m always there beside you talking in your ear hole. I’m proud to be your “real Dad”, thanks love. Oh I don’t know how to end this, ‘regards, love, fondest wishes, nothing seems to be able to describe how much I love you, so there said it. Love you lots Dad X
Antonio Giordano Viduka (Tina Viduka)
Benjamin Raru (Sally Raru)
Well, I have to do this for my Mum, ae!
Hi Mum, I’m sorry Mum for being a dxxk. I really stuffed up. It was kind of an accident you know. You all need to keep living for me, coz I gave it all up but you have to all keep going together. I said I’d always look after you, Mum, well maybe this is just a different way to do that.
So much has changed in such a short time, ae, well that’s what happens I suppose. Buy yourself something nice on me for Christmas please, do something just for you, from me.
Tell the gang I said hello and sorry at the same time. Merry Christmas to you all, please celebrate and don’t be sad! X
Meg Warner (Sarah Rebmon)
Terrance Douglas Weir (Angie Stuart)
Donna Te pa (Karen Hall)
Donovan James Terry (Martyn Terry)
Oooh I’m here at last. I’ve been a bit quiet but well here I am. Modern Technology, he is showing me his computer he used to have. He feels confused like everything changed since he was alive, he feels very confused at the end, it is like he had tunnel vision, he just couldn’t make out where he was or what was going on. He says there was something in his brain like a blood clot that no one knew, not even him. I feel very nauseous but it’s is more because I’m so dizzy like vertigo, but I just couldn’t articulate properly.
Well, well, well look at all the boys now; fine young lads all of them. To Kevin “you’re a chip off the old block and he gives a little giggle, the apple didn’t fall very far from the tree did it. You’re a good man and I never said it but I’m proud of you. You stuck to your guns even when we all thought that you were mad. Thank you for all you are doing for your Mum, the painting isn’t as good as mine but it’s good, I’m grateful. I’d like you to look after your Gall Bladder! The boys, young men now, are OK – you worry like I did, you need to know they’ll be fine, both of them are going to be OK. Time they moved out though and then you can get a smaller house, then you can go and see your brother again. You’re lucky to have a brother, make the most if it. Only now, can I catch up with mine again.
I miss your Mum something awful. I should’ve told her more, tell her I’m always dancing with her and I’ve got a seat for her when she’s ready.
Martyn, best to last, come on son, you’ve got this. What a beautiful home and I’m always there watching. I love seeing the boys at assembly – aren’t they doing you proud, you know that’s exactly how I felt about you and still do. Every day Martyn – you do such great work and you never ask for nothing. Well I’m making sure that all changes, it’s taken me time but isn’t that the Terry way. Get clear about your vision and your vision will be clearer. Your shed, by the way is in the wrong place and all the ideas for those water tanks will happen soon, it will open up your garden for you. Keep doing what you’re doing but get clearer. I’m so glad you know I’m around – I’m always watching and listening and next year I’ll be really helping, sorry it’s taken me so long. Give Tom and George a hug from their old Grandad and when you see your Mum – he sighs and is upset, “I miss her too”.
I love you all so much more that you ever knew. I’m at peace now and I love where I am, all the bits of me everywhere, it’s great. Now go and be awesome (your Aussie word) that’s what you tell everyone else and now I’m telling you.
Love Dad.
PS – Tell Mum to stop worrying and only do what she wants to do, she doesn’t have to listen to the doctors, they don’t always know best. Tell her to listen to her own body please xx
David Walker (Samantha Walker)
Neil Trost (Alana)
Andrew Wren (Louise Timms)
Hey Hey Hey! There you are! Now where’s that smile? Come on you know you can. (My son just brought me a glass of water and was asking me who he was and did his family know he was OK and it was great that I was helping). Your brother waited patiently smiling, I have a feeling that not only was he a big kid but he loved kids too.
He’s laughing at the rain in the photo and saying he could do with some of that at the moment.
I feel sick like I had cancer or I’m surrounded by someone who did. He feels like he still tries his best to see everything and everyone. You are so busy he says, he finds it hard to keep up!
Christmas again, he rolls his eyes – keep on doing what you’re doing Sis, you’re doing a great job and I’m so grateful to you for being the kind, cranky, loving sister you are to so many people – Jeez, it blows my mind. I love that I’m on here twice, twice the charm.
So Merry Christmas to you all, he gently mentions “Mum”.
Thanks and for God’s sake enjoy life, before you know it you’ll be here with me again and I’ll be bugging you again.
Lots of Love,
Drew (?)
Graham Thompson (Sharon Waterman)
Joseph Puneke Tipa (Sarah Jane Paki)
Te Uatorangi Judy Tipa (Sarah Jane Paki)
Hello, my family are all growing and growing – growing so fast. Stop. Not a day goes by when I don’t miss you. You are always in my thoughts and I know I am always in yours. I love your life and everything you are doing for me and everything you are remembering. There is still so much to look forward to and to keep living for. Remind everyone I’m still there watching so be good.
I’m so glad I’ve got company now. All this time waiting and now I’ve got lots of people with me. The house seems bigger somehow, you all seem happy and settled. It’s been a crazy year but you’ve done a great job holding it all together, as always. Now look after that foot, rest when you’re supposed to. Remember to cook my recipe for Christmas – exactly like you were shown, yes you can. Add your own twist to it but do it. (This feels like it’s something you would cook in the ground).
Aroha ahau ki a koe XX
Oh in loving memory and what loving memories I have. My heart was so full at the end, there was so much to be grateful for, I never realised just how much until I was gone. I was so lucky, it’s important you focus on the luck, the gratitude. Where do you think I’ve gone? You know on so many levels exactly where I am yet your heart is heavy for us both. Well stop it, we are fine and now you need to be too. We are in your heart always, maybe you can’t hug us or hear us but actually if you listen carefully enough, you will.
Now I can go on and on about how grateful I am for everything you all did but you know what, me being me, I’m going to keep pushing you to do more. Start by working in a job you love, no more, ‘that will do’, time to really start loving what you do. I never realised how much you put things off quite so much until right now. So come on shake your legs and get moving, 2020. There is so much support out there for you all. Time to have fun with ALL the family and kids, all get together and cook our food and I’ll be there guiding you all the way.
You’re a bit lost and sad, why? You didn’t die!! I know it’s a compliment on how much we were loved but you were raised to keep moving forward, all of you.
I love the picture by the way, good choice, thank you. Alice is a good girl, she cares for you a lot, all of you, make sure you listen to her, she always appears when you need her most. Your ancestors always guide you. Your Dad is fine, as heartbroken as the rest of you but he’s fine – oh the adventures we can have.
OK, so eat and be merry and never ever stop smiling my beautiful daughter.
Love to my ‘whanui’ family
Gwendoline Shaw (Vanessa Bennett)
Scott Ware (Kerry Ware)
Nellie Williams (Joanne Pitt)
Well Alice you knew there was going to be a special one on Christmas Day and I pushed my way to the front. It’s funny, I’ve seen both now haven’t I? I’m so relaxed, “Finally” I just ran out of steam in the end. But the journey when you die is amazing, no idea why I was so scared. The light, the colours, the energy. God, I even sound like I know what I’m talking about.
So to everyone I’ve left, YES Everyone, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and for God’s sake lighten up and have some fun, it’s time for you all to let go and enjoy the air while there is still time.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mum X
Irene Walker (Samantha Walker)
Brenton Slade (Andrea Collins)
Nola Spain (Mel Forrest)
Hello, Hello, Merry Christmas,
There is never enough time to say all I want to say, I’m always in your hearts and I know I live on, thank you for keeping my traditions alive! XX
Kenneth Rice (Carol Kretschmer)
Audrey Rice (Carol Kretschmer)
Honor Wilam Whitlow (Lynda Whitlow)
Oh, how lovely, it’s my turn, gosh, what to say! What to say, do I talk about the weather? She never wanted to be a burden to anyone ever. She loved children and keeps watch over the Grandchildren. She is so polite and thanks me for doing this.
She says things have been hard for you this year and she promises she’s been trying to help you. Sometimes you hear and sometimes you don’t and that’s OK. What does matter is you are always trying. You are forgetful because you have too much on your plate. Try doing one thing at a time. One thing, imagine that.
Now…… your eating, yes here I am still looking out for you. Watch what you eat, you know what to avoid!!! Did you know how grateful I was for my family, I hope you all knew. Plan next year, month by month, and make sure you’re exercising every day. If you want to walk at the beach, I’ll join you. If you want to walk in the forest I’ll join you, so just do it. 2021 is the time to put your own oxygen mask on first, then you can help others.
I love this, thank you so much.
Lots of love
Mum XX
Ewart Tarlton (Karen Pocock)
Full of life, you always have to be full of life. Life will be full if you are full. I led a good life, I lived, I loved and I died. I am remembered and that swells my heart with glee.
Is this the best picture you had and he laughs, but it is the best picture by far. I have been gone such a long time now.
My stomach wasn’t the best when I died but I wasn’t in pain and I was ready for my next adventure.
Please give everyone my love and I’ll be waiting ……..
Colleen Walker (Jessica Walker)
Becky Wade (Sarah Wade)
Hello, I love you all – Merry Christmas, thank you for everything XX
Michael Sudol (Veronica Lynn)
William (Billy or Bill) Tranter (Patricia Harris)
He asks me to write neatly and take my time, apparently there’s no rush. I feel there was cancer involved here or he’s with someone who passed with cancer. He feels like it’s OK to slow down and take your time and you don’t do it enough, so please take the time to focus on what matters, never mind the small stuff.
He’s glad he left a bit of a legacy behind but whatever happened, happened, so don’t ‘worry’. You always made good decisions, a chip off the old block, he says. He loved the land and the views and guess what, he gets to see them all year round now. Thank you. So wherever you put him he’s telling you he loves it. I’m pretty sure Mum is with him, his Mum and then yours too. He is happy to have two special women by his side.
You have to make some decisions next year and he says, ask your old Dad, he’ll help you get it right and he’ll be there always. Right, now go and have a cuppa and a chocolate truffle, just for me. Oh and can you get your back sorted out once and for all. Just book the appointment (could that maybe be for your brother?)
Merry Christmas
Love to all Dad XX
Pierre-luc Simpson-Jolin (Ashley Simpson-Jolin)
Andrew Wren (Rachel Wren)
Lisa Eileen Riley (Lynda Riley)
John (Jack) Snow (Emmah Forrest)
Terry Weir (Karen Weir)
Ernie Wood (Kylie Wood)
Lilian Simpson (Bernie Freeman)
Oh what a sweetheart, choosing this picture for me, thank you, it’s exactly how I want to be remembered, thank you so much.
Your heart is heavy, let me ease the burden. I’m OK, I miss you and our chats and closeness but I’m still there in your heart and thoughts and everyday life. I’ll still tell you off if you misbehave. She has such a kind, gentle way about her and a really soft laugh.
She’s dying to tell you about everyone who’s there with her – she says the easiest way if you can, is to imagine who she’s with and you’re right.
You still put something of hers on the tree, either her picture or a bauble that was hers. She loves being included – always has, always will.
Money never worried her even though there wasn’t a lot, she managed fine and so will you so stop worrying. Be sensible but have fun. She tells me travel is on the horizon for you next year and she says to say she can’t wait; she loves the idea of following you on your travels.
She’s very glad you are settled and happy now and is thankful you are in a good place too.
Merry Christmas my love
Mum XX
Isabelle Amelia Symons (Kylie Symons)
Jesse Reel (Maria Romero)
Terry Weir (Estelle Weir)
He made me work out his age because he knew he never looked his age ever! He’s coughing like something was in his chest, his eyes were watering, He was actually a big softie. He says a good looking big softie, yet when it came to his family he was so protective, so to leave you all so soon was hard for everyone. He’s not sure he’s gotten over it yet never mind you!
He loved being outdoors and now has seen more of the world than he could ever imagine. He feels like he is with someone who took their own life, I know he says there are plenty of laughs. You are 100% on the money when you feel him around especially in the car. Yes he still loves his cars. There is also a dog around that knows when he popped in,
He’s talking and showing me Christmas cards and writing in them, maybe you still read his? Or find it hard to write them without his name in them. He acknowledges this anyway. So this as to be a good year, you know what you have to do, so please go ahead and do it for me! Love you both lots Dad and thanks! xxxxxx
Barbara Storer (Renee Storer)
Deborah Radley (Bianca Miller)
Ronald Stewart (Deb Clarkson)
Chris Tasevski (Val Tasevski)
See I’m always there, always. She’s (Alice) trying to tune into others and I was determined to get through just to give you that reassuring hug you need right now.
He’s mentioning your Christmas tree. Is it up or are you pondering………. He likes it when it’s up now. Especially when he doesn’t have to do it.
Take care my love, love to you all. 2024 is a much, much better year for you, I promise. Love you X
Well you caught me in a good moment. How are you? I’m fine and it seems funny to be writing this when I know full well you hear me all the time. So I decided to keep you waiting ‘til the best day, remember we save the best ‘til last, you’re good at that too.
I know it’s a tough time right now but you will get through it, I promise. The dust will settle you’ll see. You need to spend a bit more time on you, stop looking after everyone else, just a bit more thought for you please.
Next year there will be house moves, new cars, a holiday – so, so much to look forward to and I’ll be smiling at you from my front row seat, watching.
Merry Christmas to you all, I’m still right there.
All my love,
Chris X
Cotrina Reynold (Lynda Riley)
Shane Anthony Stiles (Jacqui Sommers)
Scott Savins (Heidi Savins)
Chris Tasevski (Maggie Kociski)
Well, well, well – guess I was wrong, it doesn’t all end now does it? I have a sharp pain in my head and feel very, very unwell with cancer, perhaps it started with the bowel or it spread there but I really feel unwell at the end.
He made me study his dates, he just missed his 60th birthday but you all still celebrated for him and he’s glad. This is very early days – the first Christmas will be hard for everyone. He is very upset he had so much to live for and is urging me to tell everyone to get fit and look after your body – you only get one and so many of us abuse it so easily. So give yourself a chance, be healthy inside and out now. He knows it’s too late for him but if he can help you all who’s left behind to eat well, smoke less and cut out the ‘drink (grog)’. Then please listen to me. I don’t want anyone else joining me just yet OK. Now I’ll still be there at Christmas and you’ll be missing me as much as I’m missing you. I know. I feel so sad writing this but my goodness it’s only been 7 weeks (I just worked it out).
He’s totally pain-free but he’s still getting used to what to do now, he liked being busy and yet also time alone and apparently it’s no different but he misses the cheek, the humour, the arguments but mostly the love. He loves you all, yes all of you, warts and all – thank you all for being there, I’m not worried who was and who wasn’t there, I know I was loved and taken care of and I’m OK. Please, please, please have a happy Christmas and toast a cheeky one for me.
Love Dad XXX
Morell (Dick) Smith (Sue Philpott)
He’s cheeky, I’m multitasking and he’s asking me to focus – I love that he’s questioning me and patiently waiting his turn – what a kind man yet if he was right he was right, he never suffered fools gladly. He likes things to be organised, but organised by other people. He liked good food and had an amazing sense of smell, he’s coughing – I feel like his chest was a bit congested towards the end but I feel he always had chest issues throughout his life really.
He wants to be sure everyone is taken care of and that you are keeping your promises – he’s not alone up there, he’s with another man who feels like an uncle to you, brother to him. He’d like to be as busy as you, you are very organised and when things are not going to plan it’s because you’re not organised.
He’s been trying to kid me that he is Dick Smith, he’s got a great sense of humour and adventure. He’s saying there is a Grandson that takes after him. He says let the Grandson travel and see the world, it will be the best thing he’s ever done.
Now take care, maybe get something to boost your immune system a little. It’s going to be a long hot summer so keep your spirits up.
Miss you all and I still love being around you all Dad x
PS someone needs to get their blood pressure checked
Harry Rees (Barbara Osmand)
Oh thank you he says, thank you! I’ve been waiting patiently and here we are – great news. I feel breathless or a bit wheezy when he steps forward, he’s a really, really nice man and everyone liked him. He didn’t like fuss yet he liked to be remembered when it mattered.
He tried his best to give good advice and help when he could and he liked that people listened, he can see that now. What a great send-off he got, it was just what he wanted, thank you!
He says life is actually a bit of a dream, blink and you’ll miss it, but he feels you are not doing that – he feels you give 100% to everything. Sometimes it’s too much so make sure you enjoy everything you do, instead of doing everything, enjoy everything – that way you will do what you love and that will make him really happy!
Whatever you want to do at Christmas is what you should do, not making everyone happy, just make you happy. So his message is – you come first, when you’re happy your life will be happy. So maybe that job change is exactly what you need right now! Even moving house is good but don’t listen to me Lols.
Merry Christmas, Lots of Love Gdad XXX
Brian Walker (Nicki McHenry)
Shahana Wilson (Kerry White)
Annabelle Richards (Sam Fiske)
Now stop being cheeky there’s lots of people waiting here and (big laughs) but love the new picture, looks like I have flowers growing outta my head – more laughs.
You need to cheer up, life’s been a bit tough this year and you need a mums hug, I know – well here it is, plus a big bl**dy shove to move forward. You do, then you don’t, then you do then you don’t, just keep doing what you love that’s the important bit and keep things tidy that’s how you know where everything is (she’s really laughing now) She says to tell you she loves you so much and is so grateful for all her family. Thank you all, I totally feel remembered so, so much, thank you, all my love Mum X
She’s very excited to be picked but she says with a picture like that how could she be missed! “Life” she says is all about balance, everything in moderation. She lived, loved and lost but all were balanced. Now you’re off balance “missy” and it’s time you sorted your “stuff” out (she wanted to swear but not publicly on the wall she laughs) Why are you dragging your heels, just get moving and get on with your “stuff” do all the horrid stuff first then move onto the good bits. Shes never left your side, any of you, she wouldn’t miss it all for anything and now she can laugh without you getting cross at her. She has a ‘great’ laugh and apparently so do you when you let it out.
Stop leaving jobs half-finished – get them done start to finish please, make a list to be more organised than she ever was and you’ll find your true path – she’s helping you.
She sends love to you and all the rest and all the bits you have done she says “I’m proud” well done, now get on with the rest! Love Mum always x
James McKinnon Watts (Kristin McLarty)
What a wonderful photograph, he loved nature, he loved being outdoors, not the heat but the peace and tranquillity outdoors brings. He lived a full life and saw many changes in this life – he was just tired at the end, sadly – old and tired but he never stopped trying. He tells me so quickly to remind you how much he loved you, you were the apple of his eye.
He makes me feel you could do with a ‘pick me up’ right now so he hopes the fact that he grabbed my attention away from someone else will do that, be the little lift you need.
He makes me feel his wife, your Mum is now with him or at least still with him in his heart. He loves that you used this photograph because it truly is him, the epitome of him.
Life can get better and better and he has a granddaughter who needs reminding of this, make sure you are always looking at the glass half full please and take a holiday, get some well earned rest. Thank you for all you do for the family, it really is appreciated. He says to finish off by telling you the end was very peaceful for him and there really is nothing to this dying, it’s just the end of another cycle!
Merry Christmas to you all. Make sure you get a full family photo this year.
Lots of love & Christmas cheer Dad X
Cathy Williams (Mia Williams)
Well hello, hello! Blimey you guys have missed me haven’t ya. The house has never been so messy – she’s smiling a huge smile – she wants me to tell you she feels really, really calm and relaxed and just content. Now of course she misses you, I mean that’s obvious but she also wants you to know she’s free and likes the freedom and peace. Life is busy for you all but sometimes you are just busy being busy so how about stopping every once in a while and sitting and imagining she’s sitting there beside you and all the things you want to tell her – well just do that, she’s right beside you! She says it’s a shame she’s squinting in the picture as she always loved her eyes.
She asks me to ask you to correct her date of birth please and she laughs – the dates are all wrong but it can be fixed, no problem, in fact she wants to tell you that anything that appears to be going wrong right now, just take some time out, you don’t have to fix everything right away and maybe it’s going wrong for a reason – it’s really all about to get better.
Look after your health – ALL the time, oh and those lovely teeth please. Know I’m only a heartbeat away, I still groan at what’s on the telly lols, love you all and thank you for everything.
Love you all, Mum xxxxx
Dulcie May Royce Sanders (Jackie Sanders)
Hello she says, glad it’s her turn. She feels shy but when you got to know her she was a barrel of laughs and kind-hearted. Her health was always a bit fragile but maybe not as much as she thought when she looks back on it. She likes nice things and it’s nice to know others are still enjoying her things, but they are only things and yes, maybe she did have a few too many.
She would love a proper catch up over a cuppa or maybe even meditate and she’ll be there. There’s so much to enjoy in life and she wants to make sure you’re doing that still. It’s been a long time. A holiday would be good, just some time to think of nothing and to daydream and get organised for whatever the next few months will bring.
She urges you to ‘be present’ please, remember being present is where you can be peaceful and some days she says you just need to be peaceful. Have a happy, happy Christmas and don’t overdo it! Let everyone help, learn from my mistakes – all my love and thank you Mum.
Neville Spencer (Linda Reid)
He took his time agreeing to come through, I nearly moved on but he stopped me. There is so much emotion, so much sadness and regret. He is, of course, at peace but would prefer being peaceful in his human suit. My stomach feels a bit out of sorts, it’s such a shame someone so good went so young. Well, he says he was young. He says it’s polite to say ‘how’s your mum’ but he knows really.
Not a moment goes by when he doesn’t think of you or check in with you all, everyone is getting on with things just like he hoped, everyone is growing up, the family is getting bigger. Please remember he hasn’t really missed anything, everything is EXACTLY as it should be and for that he is grateful, really grateful.
Keep smiling but stop worrying, you’ll get wrinkles. He is so full of emotion, the love he has or had for you all is massive. Merry Christmas all my love Dad XXX
Charlie Raru (Alana Cantrell)
Shane Reardon (Jenny)
Oh look, she’s picked me, just for you. Well this was is different and not illegal, ha ha ha! How’ve you been? Oh wait, I’m supposed to know. What a joker he is. Always cracking jokes.
I feel wheezy when he’s here, like it was hard to breathe normally, it’s a family trait apparently. Someone he left behind has moved house and he’s glad they are happier. There are children that have grown up and it brings tears to his eyes. There is so much he felt he took for granted. He’s asking you to keep being grateful every day. Either it was blood pressure was at fault or you need yours checked, actually it’s both.
He’s happy life is going on and he’s just shown me a baby he’s missed or will miss – he’s such a softie. He sends his love and asks that you give 2021 hell – kick up those heels and keep living. All my love S x
Hope Smith (Rachel Smith)
Betty Winward (Rebecca Fero)
Walter Rogers (Ellis)
Dec 8th Walter Rogers Grandad
Well, that’s me right. Gee, I thought I was funny. You all had fun with me and I wouldn’t change a thing. I love that I’m always in your thoughts and that you still talk about me (all good too).
I did love my life and I really didn’t want to leave but we all have to eventually. Everyone’s grown up but I still feel part of it all. I chose the best dates to go, a year later would’ve been perfect but close enough. So now when you see 1111 you know it’s definitely me and when all the birds are annoying you, yeah me too.
Merry Christmas.
Margaret Turner (Joanne Turner)
Oh I love this photo, thank you for posting this one, it’s so me and I’m so glad that’s how you remember me. I really am, because that’s how I want to be remembered, light hearted, fun, able to breathe properly, free. I was a bit troubled yes, but it was up to me to fix it, no one could help me, it’s ok. Can you do me a favour please? Can you smile like this, you know you have my smile, you can light up a room when you do but you don’t do it enough, so come on now get smiling. Start with the little things, then the big things will follow. I’m a bit worried about your eating – can you take care of you please, you know it’s important – oh I don’t want this to end. I talk to you like this all the time, sometimes you listen sometimes you don’t but it’s OK, I still love you no matter what. She is suggesting her Mum is still alive or maybe with her but she wants you to know she has a mother figure with her and they laugh a lot. They sit and have a cuppa watching how all the families have grown and what they all do now. Someone needs to give up smoking like NOW she says!
Well you’ve got lots to do so I’ll go for now but you know I’m only a heartbeat away anyway. Look after those grandkids and she laughs.
Love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (she doesn’t want the kisses to stop)
Paige Rogers (Samantha Johansen)
BFF forever, she’s laughing, have a few drinks for me, miss you all so much, love you XX
Bob Royals (Michelle Robb)
Shawn Smith (Carol Slusher)
Morning beautiful – well it’s almost here, our first Christmas this way. You’ll be OK I promise, you know you’ve got this. Please keep everything the same, it was always you who did most of it anyway. My life was short but my love is/our love is huge and we will get to be together again. It’s really important you keep living please for all our sakes, keep living. The firsts are the hardest (she’ll tell you that – meaning me). But then time’s a funny thing, it just keeps going.
He wants you to buy a necklace from him or wrap it up and put it on the tree from him – just to mark our love. (He misses you just as much as you miss him). I have a really dull pressure in my head – he wants you to know he’s still healing but the more you keep moving the more he gets to move too. Keep loving the simple things you can do not the hard things that make you sad. There’s plenty of time, remember we loved each other heaps so it would be weird to just move on in 2 months but darling you will move on and do you know what? That’s OK. You have to live for both of us now, only I died and I’m always in your heart and memories no-one will ever or can ever take that away from you. Happy Christmas, all my love Shawn.
P.S. please sit at midnight with the tree and I’ll be there with you in that moment – just us XXX
Raymond Wilkinson (Judith Voumard)
I instantly felt a bit wheezy when he steps forward, he says he’s OK, it took a while but he accepted it and got there in the end, he’s had parties like you wouldn’t believe since he left. He says when you look back even with all the hard stuff, life is a breeze. “YES, a breeze”. Then you get to see it all again and even in colour, he laughs, what a life I had he says up and down. Your life is a bit like that too, but more ups these days, I’m glad. He loves his grandkids all of them and they are doing so well no matter how much you sometimes ‘worry’ you are just like your mum, a born worrier. Yes she was a good lady, we’ve both been lucky with our partners. Look after your chest, don’t end up like me, keep it fit and lots of fresh air – oh and fishing! You can’t fish he laughs, like it’s an in joke. Just keep doing what you are good at J Well gotta go, more people to haunt and he laughs again, but it’s his way of letting you know he still looks over you and always will do and he’s brimming with pride. Lots of love Dad X
Peter Spencer (Judith Voumard
Donna Rickard (Amber Rickard)
Oh how lovely you picked me, you know me, never one to push myself on anyone. Well where does the time go I wonder? So much has happened, oh my goodness and change, but well now I get to be with you all whenever ‘I’ like and it’s a lot – I’m stalking you and she laughs. I wasn’t squeaky clean was I? Sorry but you 3 brought me such joy so much more than you all will ever know. She keeps showing me a long white veil like Megan Markles trailing on the ground with lots of lace down the side edges, it’s beautiful, you have to have it no matter what. She is showing me a beach life with grandchildren that she would’ve loved but says to remind you she will still be there.
Remember you, all you need to do is breathe, the firsts are nearly over now, it’s the worst bit for us all but thank you for all your paying attention to my signs – phew!!!! Love you all so, so much.
(remember time means nothing to me now and so for me I’ll see you soon) xxxxx
Pamela Stroud (Nikki Stroud)
Lindsey Rowe (Sophie Rowe)
What a great picture to use, thank you lovely! My how you’ve grown. I know I left too soon, I know – but so did Princess Diana – she laughs.
Now I have been more present in your life than I would’ve been if I’d been alive. You talk to me (I hear you) you think about me (I know) and you include me in everything (I know I’m there).
Never doubt the love I had for you or your brother – I’m so glad the world kept turning for you – it was supposed to – what a beautiful smile you have , just like me. I’m sorry if I let you down , it was not my intention but never ever doubt that (she’s said this twice like she’s really trying to let you know and emphasise it) – come and see me again.
I miss you all but I get to see everyone you lose again so quite a reunion here – I know you have questions and when you’re ready you can book in and see Alice for an hour, I’ll be there – but when you are ready. Love you lots, all of you – see you soon Mum xx
P.S. I feel like she wants to talk about your wedding? It was or is special for her, as it should be x
Hazel Windebank (Steven Windebank)
Ooooh you saw me, thank you so much! (what a lovely polite lady) she’s laughing now, yes till you get to know me eh! She likes this picture reminds her it was such a special day. She always felt the love, always and she wants to make that clear no matter what else she was putting up with she always felt the love so thank you for that. I feel like she came from and had a big family or at least lots of people around her who loved her sooooo much – she’s very grateful for all her family. Her memory may not have been the best at the end but faces, well she always remembered faces. She’s had a few join her and they will celebrate at Christmas just as much as you need to. She’s making me feel someone is about the have an operation, she says they’ll be OK and not to worry. She can really help now. I feel nursing may be in the family or someone should be a nurse actually both! Right well she says Merry Christmas and get on with the house move it’s time.
Love Mum X
Colin Windebank (Chantelle Windebank)
I’m wheezing as I write this, he was very short of breath at the end. He was always a hard worker a “doer”, never said no even when he was sick he’d still help others. He says I wasn’t a saint but yeah I did my best. There was a lot of sadness when he passed he thought you’d be glad to get rid of him. He was always one to tease and joke with the grand-kids. He loved them.
He felt he was too young to die ,not sure what the Mrs will say about that, I could be a pain, but I did love my family, I really did. I loved you all and you gave me a good ‘innings’, thanks. Life is a bit up and down for you right now that’s ok, if it was calm and easy you’d be bored remember. So keep putting one foot in front of the other, left then right, there’s a lot of change happening around you, just imagine you are in the middle of it standing perfectly still and peaceful as the tornado races around you – when its passed, because it always will, then you can start moving again, left foot right foot. Keep talking to me I’m always listening. I feel unwell like he had cancer eventually but he never let it get him down, if this wasn’t him he is with someone close who did have cancer. He’s always listening but you don’t always trust your intuition so what’s the point in asking him when you won’t listen, he laughs! Love you all, talk soon Pop/Colin/Ratbag etc xxxx
Dianne Maree Spencer (Jessica Inglis)
Out of all the great pictures that was my best – she’s laughing so much. She loves how young she looks, she makes me look at her Date of Birth to show me she’s younger than me. Life is fun, life is so quick, so keep enjoying it, it’s way too short to worry and complain. Someone around you has a heart complication or maybe that was her actually I feel it is both, make sure you get checked out please. You have a lot to look forward to now and she can’t wait to watch and grow with you. Be all you can be and never give up, then you will know you are OK. I’m fine, lots to do here and oh my god, it’s so so easy and no dusting (housework) she laughs again. She stresses again she is worried about someone’s health so please go to the Doctor and get checked out. Much love to you all, all the time Mum X
Vicki Streader (Rebekah Streader)
She promises this is just quick because there are lots of people waiting, but this is the first Christmas without her and she wanted to send you love and to tell you” you had better celebrate” and laugh lots. That’s all I ask and say a toast for me. I’ll be right there in all our traditions and fun, my heart is your heart, all of you. I love you and please be okay, I’m okay just want you all to be okay – I’ll see you all again remember that! Merry Christmas love Mum X
Told you I’d be back, she coughs, its quite a loud hacking cough. Great picture, poor you for looking so like me she laughs. She’s still coughing, she says I’m still recovering, my life was one hell of a ride this time phew. But did the best I could and how did I do that? Yip one day at a time, worry, no, I didn’t worry – much- she says “worry will kill you so cut it out” Do what’s in your heart and you won’t go wrong, that’s all she wants, just follow your heart. She says thanks for painting her nails and now get on with your life. You can procrastinate, tomorrow just get on with stuff please, get moving and get living. You’ll find love, but not when you think and she laughs. I have to go I’m tired but I’m happy to be at peace – albeit too soon, I’m still happy to be at peace. I miss you every day but when you feel the sun on your face, that soft warm winter, spring or Autumn Sun, it’s me caressing your cheek with my love.
Thank you for loving me like you did.
PS thank you for such a simple and beautiful send off, you did good)
PPS My Dad’s here and tears fall from her face X
Nigel Spackman (Katie Spackman)
I promise I’ll come back again, I’ll always love you no matter what, sorry I couldn’t stay around, sorry I had to go. I hold you in my arms whenever you think of me, it’s your time to be happier now.
Merry Christmas,
love of my life XX
Pam Robertson (Sarah Price)
Hello and she smiles that huge smile of hers. She’s very, very grateful that you like this picture. She loves it, loved it then loves it still. Pam is a very, very organised lady and lately she’s been helping you too. She knows you know when she’s around and she give you lots of signs not just one but lots.
She’s with Grandpa, unfortunately she says and laughs, wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s sad you’ve been sad lately. She wants you to know you have to stay focused otherwise everything is just too hard. Focus on what you can do rather than everything you can’t do. You will be fine, the road ahead of you is clear no more hurdles. (She’s showing me the yellow brick road) that led Dorothy exactly to where she needed to go, it was an amazing journey, her life and right now yours is just getting going and she laughs.
Happy Christmas and thank you for putting me here, I love it. I talk to you all everyday, lots of love Nana X
Michael Watmore (Michelle Watmore))
There is too much to say, too much going on when I passed. My arms feel really heavy, almost held down, both of them. I feel very uncomfortable and I know passing over for Michael wasn’t easy. But as soon as he saw the sunlight again he knew he was free.
Life was life, he did some good stuff and some not good stuff but then don’t we all? He says he didn’t like having his picture taken but this is a cute one. He’s uncomfortable speaking his feelings out loud but if it helps you he’ll try.
I could’ve been a better brother, I did the best I could, you have all struggled since I died, I know and I’m sorry. I’m OK, of course I am, I just need you to believe I’m around more because I am. There’s a new baby he says, he watched him and he gives me the biggest smile, it feels like this baby is a boy and is a lot like him!
When you can please give everyone my love and also when you can, come talk to me privately OK! Love you all so, so much, M XX
Dorothy Tranter (Kerri Haynes)
Hello, Hello, well you looked after me well didn’t you? You could’ve posted a younger picture with my lipstick on but I do like the colour of my top, I’ll give you that. Oh do you know I am so busy, so, so many people to catch up with, never a dull moment here and let me tell you I can move easily again, nothing stopping me now. I’ve had so much to say to so many people, you know that. No time to miss my life really, so you should be the same. I know I’ll see you again now for sure, so don’t worry about missing me just get on with living lots.
Now get those lights up in the right place, you know you love Christmas, as long as its done your way ha ha ha, only teasing. ( I love her sense of humour and her zest for life, that her physical body denied her) She is very, very content and loves you all. You have a brother too she wants to make it fair to everyone, so tell them all individually she says hello. Much love and thanks because you always do too much, Mum Xxx
Joyce Taylor (Jane Connelly)
Ooooh! It’s my turn she says – I’m glad you use this picture I’m looking well and happy in it thank you. Now you have been very busy haven’t you – but still forgetting to sit and rest much, always on the go go go, now little ones too. Oh how I enjoy being such a big part of everyone’s lives, I had no idea this would be what happened but I love it. However you need to slow down, your burning out and that’s no good to anyone. Make sure everyone pulls their weight at Christmas please.
(she makes me feel there is another baby or 2 on the way for you all and she loves this so much – life going on – she sees more of you all now and loves it) So Merry Christmas – she mentions something about getting a new tree? X
Arch Stevenson (Natarsha Tregloan)
Oh he says, it’s my turn is it? OK, move over everybody, Dad coming through. What a lovely funny man he is, never wanted to be any bother. Hated hospitals, prodding, poking(he sounds a bit English) He was always interested in people, he loved to get to know people and was interested in their jobs etc.
Now you have all cried enough, it won’t bring me back, I’m OK. Of course I miss you but I’m doing really well. It’s always warm here – no worries about the cold here. He loves walking on the beach, a sandy beach so when you are there he’s right there with you.
Its all a bit of pest this dying thing but at least there is no end really, you’ll see one day. He mentions gorgeous grandchildren that are around who all know he’s there.
He’s just so contented now, not boring, he’s asked me to stress that, just content with his cycle of life.
Now go on have a great day and save a plate of supper for me.
All my love forever to you all
Dad X
Elsie Swain (Angie Milner)
Well look at us, Oh I loved you, you were such a spirited wee thing, you know you still are just not as often. You’ve had some ups and downs and I promise I’ve been there through them all, but (wink) you know that. It really is time to stop worrying about everyone else and start looking after you, you are so busy keeping everyone else happy you forget about you, well I’m not having that anymore, you just listen to Nan, put you first everyone else can and will wait – too easy. You never ask for help, yet here I am giving you it freely please ask for help, help with little things not just at work but at home too OK. As for home, shake it up a bit, change, re decorate, but do something, why? Why not, you are worth it and all the clutter or mess around you or in cupboards is what’s going on inside. No you’re not a mess but you could put yourself first more even with friends. I miss you so much but we will meet again
Nan xxx
Alice Spurr (Julie Attard)
……… she is a lovely lady a real gentle soul – wishes now 100 was her time she says imagine if I’d made 1999 – oooh!
She says “I loved my life and I love watching all of yours – it’s amazing to see how many people’s lives I touched and didn’t even realise, what a joy. 25 years ago, it’s gone in a flash for me but so much has happened and changed – not just in my family but in the world – I get to see and catch up on it all now its amazing – new houses, new schools always new life that’s what I want my family to remember, life really is a cycle and each cycle can get stuck or get better so keep it moving ad keep making it better. She says there was a baby called Alice somewhere and she bursts into a huge smile – Thank You she loves it! Happy Christmas enjoy the heat, Much love Mum, Great Nana ,Nan and Me xxxx
Shannon Wilkins (Adele Hamilton)
Kevin Robin (Kim W)
Well you can’t have a surname like mine and then not get picked at Christmas.
Well well well, who knew I’d be doing this! But here I am 6 years later. I know you are all OK, I made sure of that and I know you all miss me because I miss all of you just as much. I also know life goes on, it has too. So thank you for that. Some days remember it’s enough to just breathe in and out, remember, you don’t always have to be doing.
I loved my life, I complained but I did love it. It goes so fast so keep being still and watching, the busier you are, the faster it goes, the more still you are the better it is. He tells me he has grandchildren, not all of them yet but he knows he has a couple. One of them has his eyes, he loves it.
Now if you need to change your job, don’t over think it, just do it. Thank you for everything you did for everyone, you were/are so young, I’m so grateful for you. Don’t you dare have any regrets, just learn from them and let them go – I know I have.
‘Til we meet again my gorgeous daughter (family)
Dad XX
Oh and Happy Christmas too.
John Slater (Antonella Cali)
He’s been reminding me for a few days now that he wants to say “Hi” and stop the tears, “I’m ok – it had to happen eventually, yes it was quicker than we thought but its ok.
I feel like I have a cough at the back of my throat like something was irritating my throat. “Life isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be but that’s ok at least it’s life. I left good stuff and bad stuff but I honestly did the best I could. I loved my wife and family and that’s all that matters at the end of the day.
Now at the moment you need strength so who better to offer you that than me he says. When you all think of me I’m there, I hear you talking about me (he laughs) its all good – I’m not going anywhere but keep looking after each other and ‘me grandkids’ and I’ll keep ‘spying’ on ya he laughs.( He is making jokes about how this works.) So thank you for keeping me with you all I’m grateful for everything truly I am and I’m OK! XXXX”
Janet Walsh (Theresa Walsh)
Look at me, oh my goodness look at that hat, I always liked being the centre of attention, well for a day anyway. She smells lovely, she says not a day went by when she didn’t have her perfume on, she loved it! She thinks you and the undertakers did a great job with her and wanted to thank you for that. She was actually quite a private person herself but loved to know what everyone else was up to. She loved having people over and making a fuss, food and entertaining and she liked it. I feel she was also a good baker but she’s laughing now I’ve written that.
Life is a bit of a game she says, getting all serious – you just need to know who’s on your side and who’s not then you just stick to having fun no matter what cards you are dealt, you just have fun with it because everything always works out in the end.
She says there are so many people she’d love to say hello to and name but I’d be here all day, so just know she watches over you all and sends her love. The birds singing always bring you her love – oh and always look after the roses, they need de-heading Lols.
All my love Mum XX
P.S. I miss you too and Merry Christmas
Gwen Shaw (Vanessa Bennett)
She says I was always full of life always, so to have the life taken out of me was hard for you all – real hard but I’m still dancing and laughing (at you all ha ha ha) Now I know this Christmas maybe harder but what I would say is “dust yourself off and get on with it) the show must go on. I’m fine, no Christmas shopping or cooking for me anymore ever! I’m settling in well got plenty of helpers and I’m ok, so you all need to be too. Just pull a cracker for me please.
She makes me feel like she was cremated, she says you know what to do with her and remember its “only” the physical, the rest of her will haunt you and hang around and she laughs.
Merry Christmas everyone, sorry I couldn’t wait around till the New Year Xxx
Ethne Shapcott (Jane Dobby)
Andrew Richmond (Taleisha Barker)
Yes here it is, here I am, Oh what a busy lady. He has the kindest smile and biggest heart. Apparently it matched his personality, a big kid. Life was great for him, yes it was great even with all of its ups and downs, he still managed to smile every day and say “yip another day done!”.
I feel like I have a bad cough like it was always troubling me. He was a very hard worker but he didn’t mind, always keen to look after the family. He’s not sure he likes all the multi-tasking you are doing these days, it’s a bit too much sometimes, even for you. He shows me grandchildren; he says to tell you he will see them grow up you’ll see.
He just made me take notice of how old he was, he was young but sometimes he says he felt ancient (he’s laughing as I work out he was younger than me). Live, keep living, tell everyone and anyone to stop smoking, drinking, eating sugar etc etc He’s laughing because this is so not him BUT he can see now the only way is to look after your health ALL the time “please know I am there at every family gathering”, unless he laughs you don’t invite me, but I’m there, where the hell else would I be!!!
I’ll love you for the rest of your life and don’t you forget it.
Now everybody needs to keep moving on ‘till we all meet up again which I know now we will.
Lots of love, Dad and thanks for doing this I hope it helps you X
Sam Wykes (Jo French)
I heard shouting – go to R-Z go straight to the end, do it, do it! I feel Sam was one for adventure, he loved a prank and loved to be busy, he says to tell you his whole life was the best adventure he’s ever undertaken so thanks everyone for being a part of his life story. Your son has to write his story, there is so much to say and he will help, it will make him feel better he promises. He really wants his Mum to know he’s OK, it was a bit of a trip this time but he’s OK. He thinks it’s hilarious to be inside my head and jokes what a gift that would be if he was still alive and able to get inside girls heads, man he’d make a fortune. Seriously bro well done you’ve done good in the past 10 years, really proud of you. Don’t stress about not coming to see me, I wouldn’t either, all good! Great picture by the way thank the folks and my sisters for that. Gotta go, you be awesome and this is the best cemetery, not depressing but fun, shows who we all really were (he thanks me- what a nice genuine guy)
See you when you are old and grey, Ha Ha Ha
X for my Mum
Rita Tyrer (Carolyn Tyrer)
Now Rita had lovely handwriting and wrote in a perfect straight line, being tidy and organised was really important to her. Sometimes she turns a blind eye, well you are a busy, busy lady. She thanks you for taking her with you always. She wants you to know you are always in her heart and she knows she is in yours. Keep pushing and keep living, even the times when it feels like it’s all up hill keep going, you are doing great. I keep feeling like you are moving house or considering it, the move will not only do you good but it will be a bit cooler too and Oh it is a lovely house, she loves it! She says she still looks and laughs, there are plenty of people here to enjoy it and she likes that.
Thank you for always honouring me, never a day goes by when you don’t think about us, so know we are right there with you. Thank you
Well enough rambling take care special lady, we love you lots XX
Peter Tyrer (Carolyn Tyrer)
Oh thank you for hearing me he says – I’ve been trying all morning, my sister will love this, truly she will, its right up her alley so thank you. Look I’ve got Mum and we’re fine, you have to stop worrying about us 🙂 we’re ok it was good really that we were so close, who else would I listen to – but no not good for you sorry!
Well its pretty much like you’d imagine here ”you” not me 🙂 but you would imagine. Now you are doing too much, slow it down a bit please – the work will keep coming with you going crazy. He’s making me feel like he was somehow trapped at the end and not able to get a breath – he says in the end it was all over quickly and he didn’t suffer – honest!
He said he wanted to give you something to look forward to, a reason to smile this Christmas again – We are all fine and always around you. Mum still tells me what a beautiful daughter you are, like I need reminding. Thank you for looking after the family it means a lot to me, it really does so, thank you.
Mum says to tell you she’s busy and so happy to have her energy back. Old age is a terrible thing but you are doing really well aren’t you, must be all the pills and potions you take and she chuckles .
Now she has just shown me chickens? She still misses fresh eggs?!
Anyway from all your family in spirit you are being told to please – only remember the good times, Happy Christmas to you all! XXXXX
Coral Roberts (Melissa Giffiths)
Hello beautiful – I’m sorry I’ve taken so long I’ve had a lot to do – I’m very good and like my new surroundings and I don’t have to worry about getting older. She wants you to know she still wears all her jewellery and her lipstick and she laughs.
She makes e feel she had sons as well as a daughter and leaving her family was the second hardest thing she had to face.
Apparently some days you are so busy you are forgetting to remember to breathe – remember what happened to her when she couldn’t breathe. So take some time out please, you deserve it you all do, make this Christmas one of my Christmases, just imagine I’m still there and do what I would do – ha ha ha – your gonna be ok, you are ok just remember to use the word “no” – you need to use it sometimes ok! Keep talking to me I always hear you and answer the best I can just sometimes you choose not to listen – like old times eh! (more laughing) Take care my beautiful daughter, I’m sorry I’m not in the physical but I’m always in your heart you know that.
Mary Stroud (Nikki Stroud)
I’m doing this at 07.07am – 7 is the main number to spirit connection so I know this person was very spiritual. She says she wanted to have patience so this message would come when you needed it not when you wanted it (bit like Nanny McPhee). I’m ok, you worry far too much – it’s no secret I didn’t want to leave you all but my poor body was ready for the heap. Now, can you stop being so sad please “life is an adventure not a pain or an excuse to complain” nothing happens without good reason so keep up the positive talk please, it’s what will make you feel better. She says there are a few great grandchildren for her now so see she lives on, you keep telling them the stories I taught you! Oh and get yourself away on that holiday please, it’s time. She says you have jewellery belonging to her its time to re-model it rather than just look at it or not wear it because it’s not you. She will be with you no matter what you do with it she says you have a son – please don’t worry about him he’ll be fine she’ll make sure of that. Well I’d better go, stay in the light and keep up with your splendid journey – lots of love Nana X
Andrew Roberts (Heather Roberts)
I feel like I am out of breath and coughing initially but I think it was more like he was quite weak at the end and very susceptible to coughs and colds the more sick he became. (I do feel like he was a smoker at some stage) He tells me you’re not doing the best job of looking after yourself right now and its time to put you first for a while and let others look out for themselves. You need you right now. He misses you “Oh god” how can he put that into words – there are no words to tell you how empty he feels without you. But is he ok? Yes of course he’s ok, if you are ok he is ok. He’s looking after the kids just like you ask. He’s glad you are getting on with life its important that you do – someone has to, he laughs!
Its really hard for me to write it feels uncomfortable and hard, I’m not sure English and writing were his best subjects at school but I feel like he doesn’t have great control over his muscles or his hands towards the end either. Please keep smiling and when you smile in the mirror at yourself imagine him smiling right back at you. He draws a heart and says we will see each other again soon (well not too soon) I like his sense of humour. Keep moving forward he says and you can’t go back, remember that, forward is all you can do and he’s going to keep pushing you to do that.
All my love R
Marjorie Snow (Emma Forrest)
Oh Hallelujah, you’ll make everyone’s day. That’s such a young picture of me, can you tell my daughter I’m with my Dad she says and she cries, it was so long ago and I missed him so much, but he was there just as I remembered him. Thank you for waiting patiently I’m glad you did this it’s a lovely idea and will get so popular you’ll see (she is such a lovely caring person even giving me help lols) So life goes on just as I said, you can’t change the past but you can learn from it, that’s all you can do. I’m glad to see the family so grown up and new babies and more new babies (I loved the babies)Tell my own children to stop carrying on so and she laughs – enjoy life more that’s all that matters, all the bills, and health etc just concentrate on what you do love and have and it will all be fine. No one focuses enough on one thing these days, stop juggling so much please, one thing at a time. We used to have a whole day just for washing when I was young, a whole day imagine that. She loved reading and suggests you do more of it. Well I’ll sign off now but I’m always around and helping when I can, always helping and listening. Love you all xxx
Joseph Winder (Donna McKnight)
You couldn’t pick a coloured photo? It’s OK I love this one too and I know exactly why you chose it, thank you! Well you know me never one to jump up and say pick me, pick me, but you know love, I’m always around you, you hear me and feel my energy all the time, but bless Alice’s heart she’s been calling on me for a few weeks now so I thought I better say hello! That’s some boy you have there, you’ve done a good job, just sit and watch now, oh my goodness grandchildren a plenty for you and you think you are busy now, well you will be even more busy soon. I like where you live not ‘where’ so place is good but house isn’t right yet, plenty of time tho’ for now as love is just around the corner you know! You have done so so much good in your life these last 15 years, I wish you would take credit when its given, you deserve the praise so accept it please, for me!
Make sure you look after your health, your stomach is sensitive be careful what you put in it, OK. I’m so so proud of you and I’m sorry I’ve missed so much. Love you lots Dad
Charlie Raru (Sally Raru)
Hello love, you’ve had a time of it haven’t you? He makes me feel the pain in your heart. You keep going and I’m proud of you for that. I’m waiting so there’s no rush, it’s more important you find some joy in your life. You have been sick, sick ,sick. So how about next year you have fun, fun, fun.
Thank you for all the respects, you know that in my heart that means the world to me. All I want you to do now is focus on yourself and what is best for you. Everyone else will muddle through but you, you have to look after you. I have our boy he’s fine but you need to have fun for us, it’s not your time yet, it’s time for fun not sadness. Stop trying to fix everyone, they are old enough, just look after you.
Smile for me my love, smile like you used to for me, that’s all I want for Christmas.
All my love, Charlie X
Just managed to pop in to say, ‘love you, I’m always with you, even when you doubt it, I mean where else would I be?’ Love how our family is growing, thanks for keeping it together. Love you Cxx
Merry Christmas love, you know I’m there 🙂 Now don’t let anyone get any ideas about sitting in my seat just yet, he laughs, don’t over do it and don’t eat my share on Christmas day. I want you all to have one memory each and to share it round the Christmas dinner table. Love my family, stop the sadness, celebrate, the firsts are always the hardest but you’ve nearly done them all now and I’ve been by your side the whole time. Love you Merry Christmas Charlie xxxx
Anthony Taranto (Tanya Taranto)
Well you have my eyes, I’m happy for that. I feel like he was creative or artistic as I’m holding my pen awkwardly and he doesn’t think my writing is my neatest (maybe he was left handed too) He almost has a teacher energy about him, like he was happy when he was teaching/helping people, he says you are no different. You love being needed and being helpful, but he doesn’t love you being taken advantage of and that’s what’s been happening. “Come on, get yourself together” You know you can reach for the stars so why are you stuck orbiting the Earth. You can do this, get it finished and move forward, start living and STOP hiding. Who cares what anyone says behind your back, if they can’t say it to your face then more fool them and its obviously not worth knowing. Your heart needs this, your loving self is screaming at you to do this, Hell I’m screaming at you to do this. Now get moving, then in October you are the butterfly, you can break from the cocoon and move forward. YES October.
You love this spiritual stuff – makes me laugh but it is so good for you, do it EVERYDAY, it’s the one thing that will move you forward.
Please give my love to everyone and tell them to start behaving because I’m watching and he smiles – Great photo by the way but glad the moustache has gone now “ha ha ha ha!”
Love you to the moon and back, when you see the stars on a clear, clear night you can feel me close shining bright for my family. Love Dad X
( I think you used to call him something else?) PS You’ll be OK financially too.
David Williamson (Danielle Patchett)
He’s laughing at me because I took my glasses off to see him. He has a great sense of humour, really made people laugh, but quick to state he wasn’t a clown, just had a good clean sense of humour.
He always wore aftershave, important smell clean and fresh he laughs – like it’s a private joke?
You have his eyes, but your jokes suck ha ha ha. Seriously things are looking up aren’t they, finally, its good to see you are doing so well, you work hard well done!
Your relationship is now happy and he’s glad about that. Everyone’s moving on and about time. Plenty of life happening all around just as it should. He’s sorry, really sorry he couldn’t hang around any longer but when your time’s up, your time’s up, simple as that.
He’s making a reference to a holiday in maybe Greece or similar – go again it will be worth it he promises, this maybe for your Mum if not for you. He is blowing you all big kisses, he has hard working hands (like sausages he says) keep warm, keep those chilblains away. Love to you all Dad X
Trudy Wilson (Chrissy Altamura)
Your Dog caught me attention but then she brought in Mum – I feel SUCH love of you Chrissy from both of them and such gratitude. Mum says now wow you are such a golden child, she always knew you were special but you’ve exceeded her imagination already – boy does she feel honoured to be able to look after your dog for you – its something I can give back to you now she says. Remember I’m never ever far away now . Keep breathing and putting one foot in front of the other and she’ll do the same. She loves the Reno work and colour change – well done – I love you and Chrissy “Thank you”
Bobby Woolham (Kathy)
Oh! He says, you did pick me, great. Firstly thank you for remembering me/us so fondly, it’s exactly how I feel too.
Secondly, God this dying malarkey was weird, there one minute, gone the next, it was all a bit too quick but I’ve got my bearings now and well, I’m finally at peace.
If you can pass on my love please do, I’d be very grateful and I would love everyone to keep laughing and my advice if I’m allowed to give any – ‘Go and have fun, explore everything – you never know when your last day will be’. THANK YOU!
Raymond Rolland (Raewyn Moore)
I feel very short of breath, like it was uncomfortable or not possible to breath at to the end only shallow breathing worked- I feel like I left a wife and children and grandchildren behind and so much love, joy and good times……..
He says I’m glad you miss me shows you how much you did Love your old dad after all. He has a lovely caring personality with a good quiet nature – I’m not sure he was the most clever man but what’s he l lacked in brains he made up for in good old common sense. He says you’re not trusting your instincts at the moment and its time you stopped and looked at your current situation from a distance – you’re too close to it. When you let it go “I can help more” You are doing way better than you ever give yourself credit for so just remember to stop and smell the roses. I feel like Mum is always close by nowadays and when I write this he has the biggest smile on his face – he says don’t overdo it at Christmas – remember to have fun and laugh – miss you all just as much. Love Dad xxxx
Dear Alice,Thank you so much for these words. I am blown away as that is just how he talks. Mum has sent messages through but never Dad and even though I am typing this in tears, it all means so much to me.
Thank you also for the congratulations for the new baby to our family. It is these special messages that mean so much at this particular time. Love Raewyn
Claire Wilson
Claire laughs at me that I don’t know what picture (of her) I like most – She is very concerned with her son, Leon – he needs to stop worrying and breathe, everything will be fine next year. He must just go along with the original plan and not change too much.
“I did not feel alone at the end, I felt so much love, warmth and total support, it was beautiful – visiting our own funeral is one of the best experiences we leave life with. It was superb to see so many people – people who felt my spirit when I was alive. My darling husband how I could’ve loved you more, I see that now – I did worry too much but was getting better – I love how much you did love me, thank you Felicien my treasure – I am gone but I can see, not forgotten. You are doing too much and trying too hard, it is not worth the pain – be present that’s all that matters for in a flash it’s over and the true journey begins. I will miss our Christmas but not the worry or stress and she laughs but please carry on my traditions for I am watching and loving it all”.
“You must all move on for then I can truly move on too – we will always be in each others hearts for we are all one and now I ‘get it’ finally. Merry Christmas to you all – my love is yours forever”, Claire.
(She feels peaceful, so peaceful and yet alive at the same time, I can feel a roughness in my throat but that was all, no pain, no fear now, just peace) She asks me finally to ask you to have Leon’s eyes tested –yet at the same time remind him “he doesn’t need physical eyes to see me”. She wants me to date this message 21/12/15 like a date is significant for her (I actually wrote 21/12/12 and crossed it out!!).
Rosemary Mae Williams (nee Palmer)
Well well it’s nearly my birthday again, how old would I have been – (coughs) – 21 of course! Well what weather – it doesn’t rain here thank goodness but no chocolate either, so you may not like that. I am glad you are being strong for me – well done, you haven’t let me down, you promised and kept the promise. Buy yourself flowers from me on my birthday for you OK, buy your favourites because I love them anyway. Dad says keep the home fires burning – look after you – stop doing so much for others and do something nice for you “please”. She says she likes the changes in your bedroom, it’s good – she’s not spying (laughs) but the changes are good for you! ‘Til we meet again my beautiful daughter (and friend) Mum x
Ronald William Stewart
He preferred to be called Ron he says and tells me to call him that. Ron was a kind and gentle man with a great sense of humour; he was kind and gentle when he needed to be. He makes me feel like he had restricted breathing at the end he says it was hard to take a deep breath. He left his wife or a female behind and is so sad for that but he still checks on her and she’s ok. He wants to remind you that life can be hard sometimes but always, always call on him for help because he hears you he promises. He says he feels very calm now and is fine so keep doing what you do best and its ok if you miss him a bit!
Feedback: Thankyou so much Alice, I’m so very touched that you chose my dad. To have acknowledgement that he is ok, is very comforting and to know it’s ok to miss him a little, well it’s ok. Xx
Melva Russell (Sharon Russell)
Oh look, I’m getting a turn she laughs and laughs, it’s so busy here now, I’m busier here than I was there.
Well aren’t you all doing so well, it’s fantastic to watch everyone growing and moving forward, thank goodness. Now I know there is still some sorting out going on but it will all be organised soon, just stay positive. If you’re positive everyone around you will be positive. You’ve been worrying about your daughter‘s health and she said you’ve got to stop it, it’s all OK, it’s going to pass you’ll see.
It’s time to start planning 2019 and 2020 – where do you want to be, what holidays you want to take and what competitions you will be in. It goes bigger than New Zealand you know so don’t be scared, you’ve got all of us behind you so go for it. Australia is too big a draw card so don’t miss that.
There are more children/grandchildren on the way you’ll see. You can never have enough kids.
Love you and thank you for always acknowledging me, love Mum xxx 06/12/2018
All 3 in this photo have passed over. My Mum Melva born 21/04/1938 died 01/08/2007, Daniel born 03/10/1982 died 07/08/2009 and my Dad Maurice born 21/12/1936 died 27/03/2013.
Hi Sharon, this is from Daniel – ” Love you mum and look what you’ve done since I left ya, you are even more awesome, and actually I made you do it, you wouldn’t have tried so hard would you, ‘cmon be honest ‘ we all love you and miss you so much , thanks for putting us up on the glory wall just where we should be! Xxxx”
Feedback: Oh my goodness, getting a personal message from my son on this day means more than anyone could know. Thank you so much Alice. He’s a tricky wee bugger but I love this so much xx
He’s not missing a thing Mum and you know that – why do u think everyone is doing so well?? Coz I’m constantly in their heads!! Thanks for a great day he says ‘miss you mum, your love every year blows me away ‘ this next year is really your year Mum 😄😘 time for you to fly!! (He’s just told me to put this on my wall of Remembrance )so I will Sharon xx
Robert (Bob) Stanley Royals
He is laughing and laughing – not in a big way just a really heartfelt chuckle.”I miss you all everyday – damn, death is a pest. One minute you’re all chatting, next minute you can’t see me. BUT I can see you – please know i can see you – I can still smell the air, it’s fresh and alive – i love the fresh air even more so now. It was important for me to get things right and it is for you too – well, do you know you are way too hard on yourself girl, so cut it out. Have more fun, laughter and rest. Burning the candle at both ends is not a good idea is it?”
He then moved on to show me an image of a granddaughter he watches playing – he tears up and says, “this way I get to see her as much as I want. Love you all, miss you all – have a very Happy Christmas, make sure you say Hi to Mum xxxxx” He jokes that i haven’t got enough room for all the kisses he wants to give you.